早上,天下着小雨,从成都出发,到达已经建成的紫坪埔大坝时,整个大坝锁在雾中。都江堰环保局环境监察大队的副队长张立新向记者介绍说,大坝的修建为调节岷江的水量起到了作用。可是四川地矿局地质区域调查大队总工程师范晓却指着紫坪埔水库边上几处塌岸说:紫坪埔在枯水季节可以起到让岷江有水的作用。但由于来水不均,这就会给河床以及两岸的地质带来影响。况且,修坝后的调节水,一定是要先紧着发电才行,对岷江的生态用水要放在第二位。紫坪埔水库2000年开始修建,2006年基本竣工。水库距离都江堰世界文化遗产有6公里。10th Muse: Blade of Medusa
In Greek mythology there were 9 Muses, the daughters of Zeus, but history forgot one - The 10th Muse - the Muse of Justice, Emma Sonnet's birthright! Emma Sonnet is on the debate team, a cheerleader and popular. Everyone in high school has their secrets, hers being a superhero. This is a tale of one girl that will make a difference. When students on the swim team are missing, the 10th Muse must solve the puzzle of the Minotaur in time to save them.