Selected Poems, 1930-1988
It was as a poet that Samuel Beckett launched himself in the little reviews of 1930s Paris, and as a poet that he ended his career. This new selection, from Whoroscope (1930) to 'what is the word' (1988), describes a lifetime's arc of writing. It was as a poet moreover that Beckett made his first breakthrough into writing in French, and the Selected Poems represents work in both languages, including the sequence of brief but highly crafted mirlitonnades, which did so much to usher in the style of his late prose, and come as close as anything he wrote to honouring the ambition to 'bore one hole after another in language, until what lurks behind it - be it something or nothing - begins to seep through.' Also included are several of Beckett's translations from contemporaries - Apollinaire, Eluard, Michaux, Montale - in versions which count among his own poetic achievements. It is edited by David Wheatley.鲑去来:我的美国留学往事
“鲑去来”的涵义:利用鲑鱼的溯河洄游习性的象征意义,突显作者赴美留学的奋斗意志和在美国学成归来报效祖国的决心。本书以自传体的形式,回顾2003—2012年作者在出国考试、工作经验准备阶段以及出国后在美国伊利诺伊、夏威夷、纽约、洛杉矶、加利福尼亚等地留学、生活、工作(半工半读)经历,以一连串跌宕起伏、生动有趣的真实故事介绍了21 世纪初的美国留学生活。本书呈现了留学生活中的艰辛和奋斗历史,处处洋溢着乐观向上的正能量,堪称“70后”一代留学者的历史剪影。这不是一本充满自恋的回忆录,也不是一部杜撰的猎奇小说,而是观察纪实、理性思考的文化结晶,体现了作者在探究教育本质方面的努力。