《倒霉蛋阿歪》系列丛书围绕主人公阿歪展开情节,分别讲述了阿歪在学校、家庭中遭遇到的种种事情,突出反映了小学校园里学生之间、师生之间的有趣情境,以及家庭生活中父母和孩子之间的相处艺术,反映了现代小学生群体活泼灵动的生活面貌及可爱无矫饰的个性特征。故事幽默搞笑,其中不乏关于善良、友谊、家庭教育、学习、成长等启示。Step by Step
A disturbingly prophetic account of the events leading up to World War II, this anthology is a collection of Churchill's reporting for the Daily Telegraph and the Evening Standard from 1936 to 1939—tracing Hitler's rise to power, the Nazi invasion of the Rhineland, and other events leading up to the declaration of war.In the first few years of Nazi ascendance, many European intellectuals and leaders advocated avoiding war and negotiating with Hitler. Churchill is one of the few who understood the scope of the Nazi threat and advocated armament against Germany early on—and his early prescience serves as a fine prediction of his determined stance against Hitler as a World War II leader and statesman.