小时候,他对她一见钟情。 但却没能保护好她,因此被人贩子拐卖唤醒了第二人格。自此宋小汐被关在z国千家的城堡里,天天幻想着外面的世界和离家出走。不料,第99次离家出走当场被恶魔抓住!-----宫凌澈!迟早有一天我会骑在你头上的!不然我就不姓宋! (不喜勿喷,作者写作小学生水平quq里面很多词可能用词不当。望周知。)
她,慕容思橙,早上刚分手,晚上却在VIP面具恋人之夜无意得罪四位性格各异的少爷,“恭喜你成为我的VIP恋人”。这是他们同时说的话,碍于游戏规则,他们不敢撕下她的面具;她不把他们放心上,他们为了寻她踏破铁鞋,却不知要找的人就在身边。她,慕容思橙本是只麻雀,因为妈妈二婚,进入了豪门,化身麻雀千金,成了冰冷少爷皇甫轩的妹妹;接着成了花心少爷上官然的女朋友;然后又成了可爱萌呆少爷凌哲瑞的未婚妻?再后来关于她的身世,什么?她的身世和温柔的南宫澈又有什么关系?她认识他们,也知道他们在VIP面具恋人之夜被自己耍了,她可不想那么早见阎王,巧合,是天注定?还是另有所谋?当真相发现之后,他们之间会有怎样的转变?Count Belisarius
Threatened by invaders on all sides, the Roman Empire in the sixth century fought to maintain its borders. Leading its defense was the Byzantine general Belisarius, a man who earned the grudging respect of his enemies, and who rose to become the Emperor Justinian's greatest military leader.Loosely based on Procopius' History of the Justinian Wars and Secret History, this novel tells the general's story through the eyes of Eugenius, a eunuch and servant to the general's wife. It presents a compelling portrait of a man bound by a strict code of honor and unrelenting loyalty to an emperor who is intelligent but flawed, and whose decisions bring him to a tragic end. Eminent historical novelist and classicist Robert Graves presents a vivid account of a time in history both dissolute and violent, and demonstrates one again his mastery of this historical period.