四年前她被迫嫁入豪门丈夫有名无实,四年后她在大学毕业典礼上醉酒和陌生男人相识。再度归来,却发现那一夜缠绵无度的男人竟然是自己丈夫的哥哥!“比起你现在的疏离清冷,我更喜欢你那一夜的主动热情。”同一屋檐下,那男人将她逼到墙角,暧昧得对着她的耳朵吹着热气。她只当那一夜是个荒唐的梦,他却邪恶得不肯放开步步逼近。“我是你的弟媳,我们不能——”她呼吸不稳,声音低低得带着警告。他是庞大唐家的私生子,再度归来究竟是拿回属于自己的一切还是带着一颗复仇的心。嗜血如他,原本步步为营的计划却多出一个意外的她。爱情的炙热是否能够温暖那颗冰冷的心。被迫的婚姻,荒唐的梦境,现实的残忍,禁忌的罪爱。是罪却爱,是情多深。Berlin Diary
A radio broadcaster and journalist for Edward R. Murrow at CBS, William Shirer was new to the world of broadcast journalism when he began keeping a diary while in Europe during the 1930s. It was in 1940, still a virtual unknown, that Shirer wondered whether his reminiscences of the collapse of the world around Nazi Germany could be of any interest or value as a book.