豆瓣超人气、嘴最贱、毒毒教大当家“毒舌奶奶CC”最辛辣观点。豆瓣上从未发表过的8万字内容首度面世。生活中的女汉子,写书时却是玻璃心,对于爱、背叛、受伤、柴米油盐霸气解读。言犀利却用轻轻的笔触修复你在社会丛林生活中遇到的伤。拒绝神秘主义,拒绝哄你开心,掏心窝地直言隐秘的生活真相,如果不能训练你内心更强大,至少给你安慰。天下万物来和去都有它时间,你若不伤,岁月无恙。如果世界上真有奇迹,那也是努力的另一个名字,只是需要自己慢慢等待。读这本书能静下自己的心,充满正能量,以自己喜欢的方式去生活。No Man's Land
'The work of our best living playwright in its command of the language and its power to erect a coherent structure in a twilight zone of confusion and dismay.' The TimesDo Hirst and Spooner really know each other, or are they performing an elaborate charade? The ambiguity - and the comedy - intensify with the arrival of Briggs and Foster. All four inhabit a no-man's-land between time present and a time remembered, between reality and wkkk.net Man's Land was first presented at the National Theatre at the Old Vic, London, in 1975, revived at the Almeida Theatre, London, with Harold Pinter as Hirst and revived by the National Theatre, directed by Harold Pinter, in 2001.