D.M.普利的惊艳处女成名之作,一炮而红,荣膺诸多大奖!克利夫兰第一银行,这座被完整保留的废弃建筑物,二十年来竟然隐藏着惊人的秘密。1978年,随着几个职员的突然失踪以及银行收到欺诈指控,“恐慌”的银行投资者们连夜出售了克利夫兰市这间最大的银行,并对顾客和银行职员封锁了消息,同时还“成功”地阻挠了一触即发的联邦调查。在这一系列的混乱局势中,保险库的钥匙却不翼而飞了。真相被尘封在这废楼中,直到二十年后,年轻的建筑工程师艾丽丝的到来……她无意间发现一个小隔间中出现的异象,由此被强烈的好奇指使,一步一步揭开了肮脏的历史。越来越多令人不安的线索出现,艾丽丝似乎跟着一道过去的影子走进了漩涡的中心——她很快意识到为了搞清这个神秘诡异的事件,将要付出令人难以置信的代价……Poison Most Vial
Murder in the lab! The famous forensic scientist Dr. Ramachandran is stone-cold dead, and Ruby Rose's father is the prime suspect. It's one more reason for Ruby to hate the Gardens, the funky urban neighborhood to which she has been transplanted. Wise but shy, artistic but an outsider, Ruby must marshal everything and everyone she can to help solve the mystery and prove her father didn't poison his boss. Everyone? The list isn't too long: there's T. Rex, Ruby's big, goofy but goodhearted friend; maybe those other two weird kids from class; and that mysterious old lady in the apartment upstairs, who seems to know a lot about chemistry … which could come in very wkkk.net for Poison Most Vial“Carey mixes toxic chemistry and logic problems in his second middle-grade mystery to good, if not great effect. Budding chemists and crime-scene investigators will especially enjoy this science whodunit."