见机行事干他们这一行的,没有固定的方向,只有一个明确的目的,那就是不偷即抢。抢,则是见机行事;偷,多是顺手牵羊。他们流窜作案,打一枪换一个地方。这豫北还是第一次涉足,张长安倒要碰一碰运气了。为了不引起路人的注意,他们三人分头行动,会合地就是著名的烧鸡产地滑县白道口。白道口的烧鸡驰名中外,离老远就闻到一股股诱人的香味。狭窄的街道两旁,一个挨一个全是烧鸡店,有的是批发,有的是零售。夜深了,各个店铺依然灯火辉煌。这里的人们真是发了烧鸡的财,老板娘们都戴着金戒指和金耳环。Before he Kills (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 1)
From #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a heart-pounding new mystery series.In the cornfields of Nebraska a woman is found murdered, strung up on a pole, the victim of a deranged killer. It doesn't take long for the police to realize a serial killer is on the loose—and that his spree has just begun.Detective Mackenzie White, young, tough, smarter than the aging, chauvinistic men on her local force, finds herself called in grudgingly to help solve it. As much as the other officers hate to admit it, they need her young, brilliant mind, which has already helped crack cold cases that had left them stumped. Yet even for Mackenzie this new case proves an impossible riddle, something the likes of which she—and the local force—have ever seen.