本丛书精选了适合中小学生阅读的经典故事,这些故事意蕴深妙,语言简练,深入浅出地阐发了丰富的人生哲理,其中的智慧可以帮助中学生理解学习和生活的意义,有助于他们更好地贴近生活,融入社会。Hot Gates and Other Occasional Pieces
This is a dazzling collection of occasional writings by the Nobel Prize-winning novelist on subjects ranging from Thermopylae to the English Channel, and from Coral Island to Jules Verne. "e;A book of occasional essays which afford us many fascinating insights into Golding the man…It is highly individual yet profoundly modest; it has an unusual, slightly angular candour, full of painful knowledge and a beautiful humanity …event the slightest piece bears the mark of his rare, austere mind, his remarkable imagination…Even these occasional essays are enough to remind us that …there is not, at the moment, a writer to touch him"e;. (New Society).故事我党好作风:与青少年谈优良传统
历史是最好的教科书,我党好作风是最好的营养剂。 “十二五”国家重点出版物出版规划项目 5幅国家重大历史题材美术工程名画,49个中国共产党的优良传统故事…… 讲述共产党五大好作风的中国故事,图文从苦难到辉煌的伟大历程; 用历史成就未来,为青少年的“大脑补钙”,坚定中国梦的理想和信念。