
第5章 和自己谈场恋爱,寂寞也美

Fall in Love With Youself

I desire to radiate health, cheerfulness, calm courage and good will. Leave the excess baggage of yesterday's mistakes and dare to enter into all the tomorrow.



To Love Oneself Is the Beginning

◎Oscar Wilde

To love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance.

Love yourself. Love the things that make you you. Your values and talents and memories. Your clothes, your nose, your woes(woes[w?uz]n. 悲痛,灾难,不幸;困境(woe的名词复数)) . If you love yourself, you can jump into your life from a springboard of self-confidence. If you love yourself, you can say what you want to say, go where you want to go. The world can be a tough place, and some of the billions of people out there will try to knock you down. Don't join them.

Do things that make you proud, then take pride in what you do. And in who you are.

Who are you anyway? What makes you you? How are you like your siblings(siblings['sibli?z]n. 兄弟姐妹(sibling的名词复数)) and neighbors and friends? How are you different? If you were your own secret admirer, what would you most admire?

"My great mistake, the fault for which I can't forgive myself," Oscar Wilde wrote, "is that one day I ceased my obstinate(obstinate['?bstinit]a. 固执的,顽固的,顽强的) pursuit of my own individuality." Keep pursuing your individuality. Keep being yourself. Becoming yourself. It can be comforting to dress and act like everyone else. But it is grander to be different, to be unique, to be you. I'm the only me in the whole wide world.


Best case scenario: I love myself; I enjoy living; I smile because I'm happy not because I have to.







There is always one true inner voice. Trust it.

~ Gloria Steinem

Sometimes it's hard to know who you are and what you want and whom you like and why you like that person. The answers change because you're changing. Growing. But deep inside, you are you. You were you as a baby, you were you as a kid, and you are you right now. "Let me listen to me and not to them." wrote Gertrude Stein.

It makes sense to consider the advice and opinions of other people. But don't let their noise drown out your inner voice. And don't let the way you sometimes talk or behave in front of others make you lose sight of who you are when you are alone, when you are most you.

"You can live a lifetime and, at the end of it, know more about other people than you know about yourself," aviator Beryl Markham cautioned. Get acquainted with yourself. Tune in to the dreams you have by day and by night. Blend in when you choose to, but appreciate what sets you apart. "The more I like me, the less I want to pretend to be other people." said Jamie Lee Curtis.







The Gift of Possibility

◎Esmeralda Santiago

That Christmas Eve, the streets of Boston were clogged with tourists and locals bundled in wool and flannel. Shoppers, hawkers, and gawkers whirled and swirled around me. "Frosty the Snowman", "Let It Snow" and "Jingle Bells" played in stores; on the sidewalks, the street musicians did their best. Everyone, it seemed, was accompanied by someone else smiling or laughing. I was alone.

The eldest of a Puerto Rican family of 11 children growing up in New York's crowded tenements, I'd spent much of my life seeking solitude. Now, finally, at 27, a college student in the midst of a drawn-out breakup of a seven-year relationship, I contemplated what I'd so craved, but I wasn't quite sure I liked it. Every part of me wanted to be alone, but not at Christmas.

My family had returned to Puerto Rico, my friends had gone home during the holiday break, and my acquaintances were involved in their own lives. Dusk was falling, and the inevitable return to my empty apartment brought tears to my eyes. Blinking lights from windows and around doors beckoned, and I wished someone would emerge from one of those homes to ask me inside to a warm room with a Christmas tree decorated with tinsel, its velvet skirt sprinkled with shiny fake snow and wrapped presents.


Life can only be understood backwards, but it must be lived forwards.







I stopped at the local market, feeling even more depressed as people filled their baskets with goodies. Dates and dried figs, walnuts, pecans, and hazelnuts in their shells reminded me of the gifts we received as children in Puerto Rico on Christmas Day, because the big gifts were given on the morning of the Feast of the Epiphany, on January 6. I missed my family: their rambunctious parties; the dancing; the mounds of rice with pigeon peas; the crusty, garlicky skin on the pork roast; the plantain and yucca pasteles wrapped in banana leaves. I wanted to cry for wanting to be alone and for having achieved it.

In front of the church down the street, a manger had been set up, with Mary, Joseph, and the barn animals in expectation of midnight and the arrival of baby Jesus. I stood with my neighbors watching the scene, some of them crossing themselves, praying. As I walked home, I realized that the story of Joseph and Mary wandering from door to door seeking shelter was much like my own history. Leaving Puerto Rico was still a wound in my soul as I struggled with who I had become in 15 years in the United States. I'd mourned the losses, but for the first time, I recognized what I'd gained. I was independent, educated, healthy, and adventurous. My life was still before me, full of possibility.

Sometimes the best gift is the one you give yourself. That Christmas, I gave myself credit for what I'd accomplished so far and permission to go forward, unafraid. It is the best gift I've ever received, the one that I most treasure.





Think About This


1. At least 2 people in this world love you so much they would die for you.

2. At least 15 people in this world love you in some way.

3. The only reason anyone would ever hate you is because they want to be just like you.

4. A smile from you can bring happiness to anyone, even if they don't like you.

5. Every night, someone thinks about you before they go to sleep.

6. You mean the world to someone.

7. If not for you, someone may not be living.

8. You are special and unique.

9. Someone that you don't even know exists, loves you.

10. When you make the biggest mistake ever, something good always comes from it.

11. When you think the world has turned its back on you, take a look: you most likely turned your back on the world.

12. When you think you have no chance of getting what you want, you probably won't get it, but if you believe in yourself, probably, sooner or later, you will get it.

13. Always remember the compliments you received. Forget about the rude remarks.

14. Always tell someone how you feel about them; you will feel much better when they know.

15. If you have a great friend, take the time to let them know that they are great before it's too late.


Happiness is a perfume you cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself.

~Ralph Waldo Emerson



1. 在这个世界上至少有2个人很爱你,他们愿意为你而死。

2. 在这个世界上至少有15个人以某种方式爱着你。

3. 有人会恨你的唯一原因就是因为他们想变得和你一样。

4. 你的微笑可以给每一个人带来快乐,即使他们不喜欢你。

5. 每个夜晚,都有人会在入睡前想着你。

6. 对某个人来说,你就是全世界。

7. 如果不是因为你,某个人可能活不下去。

8. 你是独一无二的。

9. 有人爱着你,而你甚至都不知道他的存在。

10. 当你犯了天大的错误时,总有一些好事及时到来。

11. 如果你认为全世界都背弃了你,好好看看:最有可能的是你背弃了全世界。

12. 当你认为你没机会得到你想要的东西时,你可能得不到它,但如果你相信自己,也许迟早你都会得到它。

13. 永远记住你所收获的赞美,忘掉那些粗鲁的言语。

14. 要告诉别人你对他们的感觉;当他们了解以后,你会感觉更棒。

15. 如果你有很棒的朋友,花点时间让他们知道他们有多棒——趁一切还来得及。


The 10 Essential Habits of Positive People

◎Judy Belmont

Are you waiting for life events to turn out the way you want so that you can feel more positive about your life? Do you find yourself having pre-conditions to your sense of well-being, thinking that certain things must happen for you to be happier? Do you think there is no way that your life stresses can make you anything other than "stressed out" and that other people just don't understand?

If your answer is "yes" to any of these questions, you might find yourself lingering in the land of negativity for too long!

The following are some tips to keep positive no matter what comes your way. This article will help you stop looking for what psychologists call "positivity" in all the wrong places! Here are the ten essential habits of positive people.

1. Positive people don't confuse quitting with letting go

Instead of hanging on to ideas, beliefs, and even people that are no longer healthy for them, they trust their judgment to let go of negative forces in their lives. Especially in terms of relationships, they subscribe to the phinciples which goes:


Optimist: A man who gets treed by a lion but enjoys the scenery.

~Walter Winchell






1. 乐观人群懂得放手与顺其自然的区别


I will grant myself the ability to trust the healthy people in my life;

To set limits with, or let go of, the negative ones;

And to have the wisdom to know the difference!

2. Positive people don't just have a good day—they make a good day

Waiting, hoping and wishing seldom have a place in the vocabulary of positive individuals. Rather, they use strong words that are pro-active and not reactive. Passivity leads to a lack of involvement, while positive people get very involved in constructing their lives. They work to make changes to feel better in tough times rather than wish their feelings away.

3. For the positive person, the past stays in the past

Good and bad memories alike stay where they belong—in the past where they happened. They don't spend much time pining for the good old days because they are too busy making new memories now. The negative pulls from the past are used not for self-flagellation or unproductive regret, but rather productive regret where they use lessons learned as stepping stones towards a better future.

4. Show me a positive person and I can show you a grateful person

The most positive people are the most grateful people. They do not focus on the potholes of their lives. They focus on the pot of gold that awaits them every day, with new smells, sights, feelings and experiences. They see life as a treasure chest full of wonder.

5. Rather than being stuck in their limitations, positive people are energized by their possibilities

Optimistic people focus on what they can do, not what they can't do. They are not fooled to think that there is a perfect solution to every problem, and are confident that there are many solutions and possibilities. They are not afraid to attempt new solutions to old problems, rather than spin their wheels expecting things to be different this time.




2. 乐观人群不仅会享受美好的一天——还会创造美好的一天


3. 对于乐观人群来说,过去只停留在过去


4. 乐观人群都是懂得感恩的人


5. 乐观人群不会为自己的局限所困,而会被自己的潜能所激励


6. Positive people do not let their fears interfere with their lives

Positive people have observed that those who are defined and pulled back by their fears never really truly live a full life. While proceeding with appropriate caution, they do not let fear keep them from trying new things. They realize that even failures are necessary steps for a successful life. They have confidence that they can get back up when they are knocked down by life events or their own mistakes, due to a strong belief in their personal resilience.

7. Positive people smile a lot

When you feel positive on the inside it is like you are smiling from within, and these smiles are contagious. Furthermore, the more others are with positive people, the more they tend to smile too! They see the lightness in life, and have a sense of humor even when it is about themselves. Positive people have a high degree of self-respect, but refuse to take themselves too seriously!

8. People who are positive are great communicators

They realize that assertive, confident communication is the only way to connect with others in everyday life. They avoid judgmental, angry interchanges, and do not let someone else's blow up give them a reason to react in kind. Rather, they express themselves with tact and finesse. They also refuse to be non-assertive and let people push them around. They refuse to own problems that belong to someone else.

9. Positive people realize that if you live long enough, there are times for great pain and sadness

One of the most common misperceptions about positive people is that to be positive, you must always be happy. This can not be further from the truth. Anyone who has any depth at all is certainly not happy all the time. Being sad, angry, disappointed are all essential emotions in life. How else would you ever develop empathy for others if you lived a life of denial and shallow emotions? Positive people do not run from the gamut of emotions, and accept that part of the healing process is to allow themselves to experience all types of feelings, not only the happy ones. A positive person always holds the hope that there is light at the end of the darkness.

6. 乐观人群不会让恐惧妨碍他们的生活


7. 乐观人群常常微笑


8. 乐观人群十分善于交流


9. 乐观人群明白,你活得越长,痛苦和悲伤也会越多


10. Positive person are empowered people—they refuse to blame others and are not victims in life

Positive people seek the help and support of others who are supportive and safe. They have identified their own basic human rights, and they respect themselves too much to play the part of a victim. There is no place for holding grudges with a positive mindset. Forgiveness helps positive people become better, not bitter.

How about you? How many habits of positive people do you personally find in yourself? If you lack even a few of these 10 essential habits, you might find that the expected treasure at the end of the rainbow was not all that it was cracked up to be. How could it—if you keep on bringing a negative attitude around?

10. 乐观人群善于掌控自己的人生——他们不会责怪他人,也不会做生活的受害者




How to Love Yourself, Even if No One Else Does


First, the second part of that title isn't true. You either forgot who loves you, or need to find more people who do.

But there may be times where you feel alone and depressed—just about everyone has spells like that, or is strong enough to admit it. It's not easy to talk about, but loneliness, feeling unwanted, and even self-hate from time to time is extremely common. If your hermiting drags on for weeks, you'll want the help of healthcare experts, but if it's not so severe and happens on occasion, here's some vibrant and practical suggestions for you:

Gather a "praise pile"

Ideally, you'll want to do this before you're in a downer—it serves as a life preserver when you're in the "eye of the storm".

Compile the love you've felt: a handwritten note from your Mom, a photo of you and your best buds at the lake together, and awards you've won. They don't have to be recent—recognition spans your whole life. And they don't have to be physical, either; I've used the Firefox ScrapBook add-on to do what its offline analogue does: clip and save kind words from others.


A man is not old as long as he is seeking something. A man is not old until regrets take the place of dreams.

~J. Barrymore








So when I feel like I'm not being cared about, I take a quick look at the "praise pile", and put what's happening in perspective: others have cared about me before, and they will again. And perhaps most importantly, by realizing this, I care about myself. This is a process and never happens immediately. One can't instantly "snap out of it". It "takes time", as the trite-but-true saying goes. But oh, how true it is.

Give up on something worth dropping

Burdens are bedfellows with loneliness. Some people who'd like to have more of a social life are crushed by the rat race, or their own compounded fears which hold them back. By dropping what I often call "slop" (waste unnecessary to your enjoyment of life), it frees you to take on more meaningful things (keep reading). Less worry means more freedom to self-explore and pursue interests.

Why does this sound so obvious? Because it is. But it may only be during a time of emotional inner turbulence that you can summon the strength to unchain yourself.

Don't overthink—that makes it worse. As any great performer knows, and as controversial as "muscle memory" may be, repeated practice leads to what's dubbed "second nature", or a threshold surpassed in which analyzing evolves to intuition based on past experiences.

When you find yourself especially stressed or anxious, those are otherwise-unpleasant moments you can use to your advantage. Especially if you're crying and in a lot of anguish, determine in a flash what's worth keeping, and visualize it like this: you are a burning building. If you could rush into yourself and save only a handful of things to take to a new you, what will they be?







Write them down, and set the list aside until you feel more rational. Then look at it again, and join your thoughts of the now with what you had felt then. This can be a potent truth-revealing exercise and puts you on the right track.

Find something new worth fighting for

By "fight", I refer not to violence. Rather, I speak of a cause you can champion and stand up for. The "fight" here is versus adversity. Your cause may be a charity that improves others' lives, or even a campaign to save a TV show. Notice how these purposes require others to get involved—they're inherently social, and even though you may not think about so much about that (and shouldn't), they'll lead to you interacting with others, feeling less lonely.

Being recognized as a maverick and a leader isn't a deliberate process you need to set up like a goal. Rather, the goals here are more about the innate satisfaction and happiness you'll feel.






10 Ways to Cheer Up


Feeling a little blue? 10 Ways to Cheer Up. Here are ten fast and easy ways to smile.

1. Play outside

Leave your apartment and go outside. Sun and fresh air are good for you.

2. Exercise

When you exercise, your brain releases a chemical called endorphins. This chemical makes you feel happier. That is just another reason why exercise is good for you.

3. Have a Heart-to-Heart

If something is bothering you, it is a good idea to talk about it. Call a friend or relative. A good chat is great way to feel better fast.

4. Play Pop Music

Westlife, Backstreet Boys, S.H.E … who doesn't like a little mindless pop? Listening to upbeat, happy music will make you smile. Singing along won't hurt either.


Growing old is not upsetting; being perceived as old is.

~Kenny Rogers












5. Laughter is the best medicine

Laughing is the best way to improve your mood. Children laugh around 400 times a day. Adults only laugh about 20 times a day. What happened? Be a kid for a day: play games, watch funny movies, or read jokes online.

6. Power of Chocolate

Chocolate has special natural chemicals that make you happy. Plus, it tastes so good!

7. Draw

Be an artist! Draw, paint, or make something. Even if it is not perfect, being creative relieves stress.

8. Get a dog

Dogs are cute, energetic, and fun. Plus, studies show that people with pets live longer and people with dogs live the longest!

9. Breathe

If you can't go to the gym, try taking deep breaths. Breathing deeply will relax your muscles and give you energy.

10. Think positive

Close your eyes and think of a beautiful scene or a time when you were happy and feeling good.














Yoga for Lowering Stress

◎Mary L. Gavin

Yoga and You

When you hear the word "yoga", do you think of a person with his legs twisted up like a pretzel? If so, it may seem like yoga is very complicated or just for adults. Not true! Kids and teens can do yoga for the same reasons grown-ups do: because it feels good to stretch out your body, slow down your breathing, and relax your mind. Yoga can help you feel calmer when life is busy and stressful.

What You Need

Any time you start a new exercise routine it's a good idea to check with a parent. A yoga class can be a great way to get started because the instructor can teach you how to get into the poses. Find a large enough space with few distractions. No TV or people, if possible. Wear comfortable workout clothes and no shoes or socks. A yoga mat can be helpful because it cushions a bit and keeps your feet from slipping. Yoga should not hurt, so go slow and ease into position. Go only as far as you comfortably can.


People who can not find time for recreation are obliged sooner or later to find time for illness.

~John Wanamaker







Why Yoga for Stress

When you get stressed or nervous, many things can help you feel better. Talking with someone—a parent or friend—is a great idea because they can help you figure out what's wrong and start coming up with solutions. In addition, you can ease stress through exercise. You probably know exercise is good for your health, but it's also a proven way to put you in a better mood. So it makes sense that yoga is a favorite activity among people who want to feel stronger and more relaxed. Yoga includes a lot of stretching, but that's not all—yoga also focuses on breathing and meditation, which means thinking calm thoughts. Practicing yoga is a chance to learn stretching/breathing/thinking skills that you can use to calm yourself down the next time you feel worried. In other words, yoga can help your body stay loose and relaxed when things heat up!

Think Good Thoughts

Meditation is the first part of a stress-relieving yoga routine. Meditation means being calm, quiet, and focused. Some people call this "feeling centered". When you're feeling centered, you can do your best in stressful situations such as taking a test or working through a disagreement with a friend. Try these meditation exercises: Take a yoga vacation: Find a quiet, private place, like your bedroom. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Imagine a place where you feel safe and relaxed. Is it your best friend's backyard? Your grandma's house? Camping in the woods? Imagine yourself in this place for three to five minutes. You'll feel much calmer after your "yoga vacation". Positive pictures: When you're feeling stressed about a big test or game, it can help to imagine it going really well. Sit in a comfortable position and close your eyes. Picture yourself feeling prepared for your test or kicking the winning goal in soccer. Of course, positive pictures can't take the place of actual preparation, but they can help you feel more confident.





Breathe Deep

On one hand, you already know how to breathe. You're doing it right now! But learning how to breathe in yoga practice can help you notice how your breathing changes when you're anxious or upset. Often, when you start to feel nervous or uncomfortable, your breathing may get faster and you might not breathe as deeply. Once you tune in to your breath, you can try belly breathing.

Get Up and Move

There are many different yoga poses. Some can help you stretch the neck, shoulders and back, which are most likely to get tense when you are nervous or stressed. Try these two yoga poses when you want to de-stress yourself: Surprise/Sourpuss: Open your mouth wide and bug out your eyes, then close your eyes very tightly and pucker your lips. Alternate back and forth between "surprise" and "sourpuss". Do this while you're studying to help loosen up your face and jaw, which can get really tense while you're studying. If you have a study partner, make a game of it! Who can make the silliest face? Shoulder gymnastics: Do a few gentle shoulder and neck rolls right before a test to keep your shoulders nice and loose. You can even do them during a test if you need a refreshing break.

Have Fun With Yoga

Yoga can help you in serious ways, but it also can be a lot of fun. You can smile during yoga, and even laugh, which is a great stress reliever too. Yoga can be done alone or with friends. And you can do it at home, at a yoga studio, or in the park. We'll end with a special Sanskrit greeting—"namaste". It's traditionally said at the end of a yoga practice and it means the light inside of me bows to the light inside of you. Namaste.








How to Fall in Love With Yourself


How to fall in love with yourself? Here are a few ideas you can try to build yourself up and fall in love with yourself all over again.

1. Focus on your strengths. We all have strengths and luckily they are not all the same. Do things you are naturally good at and enjoy and you will build self confidence, efficiency and pride.

2. Be proud of your accomplishments. No matter how big or seemingly small your accomplishments are you should be very proud of each and every one of them. Whether it's completing high school, university, starting your own company, having kids and raising a family, completing a project that's hanging around for far too long, be proud. Celebrate the small and large accomplishments and everything in between.

3. Get excited about who you are. Celebrate your uniqueness. Maybe you're a very caring individual, efficient, or adept to solving problems. Embrace it. Be proud that you're not like everyone else in your social circle. People love you for being you.


Behavior is a mirror in which every one shows his image.

~Johann Wolfgang von Goethe




1. 专注于自己的强项。我们都有强项,幸运的是,每个人的强项各有千秋。做那些你天生擅长的事情,享受这个过程,你将建立起自信心、高效率和骄傲感。

2. 为自己的成功感到骄傲。不管是大的还是小的成就,你都应该为每一次成就而感到自豪。无论是完成高中学业,大学顺利毕业,还是开了自己的公司,有了孩子,开始扶养家庭,或者是完成了一个拖延已久的项目,这些都值得自豪。庆祝这些大大小小的成就吧。

3. 为你就是你自己而高兴。庆祝你的独一无二。也许你富有爱心,也许你做事高效,又或者你解决问题很老到。拥抱你的独特吧。为此而感到自豪,因为你与你的社交圈里的其他人不同。正因为你就是你,所以大家才会爱你。

4. 分享你的才华。如果你有独特的禀赋,与世界分享它吧。如果你文笔很好——写作吧;如果你舞姿轻盈——跳舞吧;如果你组织能力很强……嗯,你懂的。不管你相信与否,还有人会因为分享你的才能而大大获益。你有没有注意到,与别人分享的这个过程,会让你感觉如此地奇妙和难以置信?

4. Share your talent. If you've got a talent share it with the world. If you can write—write, if you can dance—dance, if you can organize…well you get the picture. Believe it or not there are people out there who could benefit greatly from you sharing your talents. Ever notice how giving to others makes you feel so incredible about yourself?

5. Forgive yourself. Guilt is a weird thing. All guilt does is hold us in the past reliving something we wish we could change. Not going to happen I'm afraid. Forgiveness is a choice. Forgive yourself. The past is the past (I know you've heard this before but the more you hear it the more you may start to believe it). Forgive yourself, apologize and move on.

6. Do something just for you. Take time for yourself and just relax. Rest both your mind and your body. Rejuvenate by sitting quietly listen to soft soothing music or watch the wonders of nature from your own backyard, balcony or window. Treat yourself to a massage or spa day. Whatever it is that makes you feel special and relaxed … do it.

Love yourself. Take pride in all your unique glory. Maybe you're quirky and have a very different talent. Embrace it. Flaunt it and share it with the world!

5. 原谅你自己。内疚是件很奇怪的事情。内疚感只会让我们纠缠于过去不放手,总想着重来一遍,希望可以改变一切。不过这恐怕不会发生。宽恕是一种选择。原谅你自己。过去的已经过去(我知道这句话已经是老生常谈了,但你听到的次数越多,你会越应该相信它)。原谅自己,道歉,然后继续向前。

6. 为自己做些事情。给自己留点时间,只是为了放松一下。让你的身心都好好休息。静静地坐着,听着舒缓的音乐,或从后院、阳台或窗口,欣赏大自然的奇迹。做做按摩或泡泡温泉。不管是什么让你觉得很特别、很放松的事……去做就好。



How to Stay Young

◎Harvey Bingham

Throw out nonessential(nonessential[,n?ni'sen??l]a. 非本质的;不重要的) numbers. This includes age, weight and height. Let the doctor worry about them. That's why you pay him/her.

Keep only cheerful friends. The grouches pull you down.

Keep learning. Learn more about the computer, crafts, gardening, whatever. Never let the brain idle. "An idle(idle['aidl]a. 空闲的;懒惰的;无所事事的) mind is the devil's workshop. And the devil's name is Alzheimer's."

Enjoy the simple things.

Laugh often, long and loud. Laugh until you gasp for breath.

The tears happen. Endure, grieve, and move on. The only person who is with us our entire life, is ourselves. Be alive while you are alive.

Surround yourself with what you love, whether it's family, pets, keepsakes, music, plants, hobbies, whatever. Your home is your refuge(refuge['refju:d?]n. 躲避;避难所,藏身处) .

Cherish your health: If it is good, preserve it. If it is unstable, improve it. If it is beyond what you can improve, get help.


Remember these simple guidelines for happiness: 1. Free your heart from hate; 2. Free your mind from worry; 3. Live simply; 4. Give more; 5. Expect less.









Don't take guilt trips. Take a trip to the mall, to the next country, to a foreign country, but not to where the guilt is.

Tell the people you love that you love them, at every opportunity.

And always remember: Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.






Relax, Smile, and Create



Don't take yourself too seriously.

Happiness is largely a choice.

Feel gratitude for all of the good in your life.


Once you have enough to pay for life's basics think to yourself: "I've won."

Happiness is contagious: find someone who is happy and stand close to them.

Play, Create

Happiness is attainable.

Slow down and enjoy the scenery. Be spontaneous.

Happiness is perched on your windowsill, invite it in.

Success is not the key to happiness; happiness is the key to success.


It is better to waste one's youth than to do nothing with it at all.














Surround yourself with positive, life-affirming people.

Make others happy

Have big dreams.

Enjoy the journey.

Grab every single morsel of happiness which comes your way.

Be on the look out for moments of pleasure and wonder.









◎Deepak Chandrasekaren

"A man is known by the company he keeps." If it is so, then everyone is bound to have their baggage of loneliness with them as companions. Loneliness is not something that doesn't exist at all with any human being on earth. Every human being feels lonely in his life at some point or other. It's but natural to have such feeling, because that's what makes us all human and that is why we are as we are now.

If we shed some light on why we feel aloof or lonely at times, we would be very much astonished or even probably surprised by the results. We ourselves are responsible for our self-defined gloominess. This is because at times we really feel that we are un-cared for or feel someone doesn't understand us.

Sometimes we over analyze real life situations and have this growing sense of self pity inside us. This feeling always gives us thoughts which picturise us always receiving the wrong end of the stick in life. The truth might not always be true if we touch our heart and see. It's just that our expectations in life and from people around us or circumstances that we are facing have got the better of us. Expectation is the silent killer which murders millions of mushy(mushy['m??i]a. 感情脆弱的;感伤的) and time tested relationships. If there would have been no expectations from anyone, the world would have been a much better place to be. If there would have been no expectations, not many people would have had an aching heart and a life long grouse against there would have been better haves. If it wouldn't have been for unreasonable expectations not many couples would have divorced each other.


The main dangers in this life are the people who want to change everything—or nothing.

~Lady Astor






How to come out of expectations then? Good question. The answer is when you give something, don't always expect anything in return. When our mother gave birth to us, she never expected that we will give birth to her. She has just fulfilled her desire to raise a family and live for them. In the same way, let our actions make us live for our self and let not expectation screw up the major portion of your lives. Let us have the freedom and will power to express our love, affection and longingness for people whenever we feel. Let us not restrict our freedom of expression just because he or she is not responding the way we want them to.

Well, all in all a little bit of loneliness is good for a self-analysis(self-analysis[?self?'n?l?sis]n. 自我(心理)分析) to keep a check over your actions. Introspection always makes you communicate with the inner self, but too much of introspection can make you scale the altitude of self pity. So show restrain at the right time.



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