
第7章 态度是一种才能

A successful man is one who can lay a firm foundation with the bricks others have thrown at him.


Maintaining a Positive Approach to Daily Life 保持积极的生活态度

Keith Barrett

It's sometimes all too easy to feel like life isn't going as well as it should be. Minor niggles can develop into more significant① issues, causing you to spend more time thinking about what's going wrong. The truth is, however, that you might feel better if you take a more positive attitude.

This could, of course, be said to be easy in theory. But the reality may be substantially different, causing you to question whether you can achieve the happiness that you seek. It's not a simple process to escape from a cycle of negativity② and this is something that may concern you. How can you make the changes that are necessary in order to allow you to think in a different way?

It's sometimes necessary to take steps that may seem to be rather strange. You might start, as an example, by making a list of all the great things that you have in your life. Such a list might include absolutely everything, from loved ones to ice cream that can currently be found within your freezer at home!

As I said, this may seem like a rather odd thing to do. So why is it something that you would even consider? The answer is that you should look to avoid the danger of assuming that all is going wrong in life. It may well be the case that improvements can be made, but it's unlikely that things are as bad as they first appear.

Once you start making the list, you'll discover that it's hard to stop a smile from forming on your lips. You'll consider great things in life and many of the reasons why you actually enjoy the daily routine. You'll certainly see that there's a lot to be happy about. This is a list that you should keep safe too.

You might, for instance, want to pin it on a message board. Alternatively③, it could be attached to your fridge. Ideally, you'll want to place it somewhere that it can be seen every single day. Every time you look at the list, you'll be reminded of the fantastic elements of your life.

This focus on positive issues is likely to become more and more important to you. A number of scientific studies have discovered that people who believe that they are lucky will tend to get more positive results in life. In a sense, they will actually become lucky as a result. The same can be true when it comes to happiness.

If you assume that you have a lot to be happy about, then it's likely that more and more situations will make you smile. What you'll discover is that you actually have a lot to smile about and to be thankful for.

Living life in a positive way can be hugely rewarding. It's something that you may want to try!











① significant a. 重大的;有效的;有意义的;值得注意的

② negativity n. 否定性;消极性

③ alternatively ad. 非此即彼;二者选一地;作为一种选择

Success Comes to Those Who Don't Know How to Quit 成功留给不轻言放弃的人

Genyfer Spark

Do you remember the last time you saw an advert, book or movie for Harry Potter, watched or purchased an item from Disney, or switched① your lights on? It's amazing how we enjoy these things, and so many other things on a daily basis, and yet they all started with a dream. A dream a person had for their life, and refused to give up on the dream, until their dream was fully realized.

If you have ever felt or feel like giving up, these three real life examples demonstrate the power one has in realizing their dreams, when they don't give up on them.

Thomas Edison, Inventor: Invented the phonograph②, motion picture camera, and the electric light bulb. Edison was quoted as saying it would take a matter of a few weeks to invent the light bulb. In reality, it would take him almost two years of 6,000 failed attempts, in his experiments of the different carbonized plant fibers, looking for a carbon filament for his light bulb. During one of his experiments, Edison's laboratory was destroyed by an explosion. It was at this time we would think it would be all over for Edison, as he did not have the capital to build a new laboratory③. It was his dear friend Henry Ford who heard about the explosion, who believed if anyone was going to find the answer it would be Edison. It was this faith, Ford had in Edison, he would loan Edison the money to build a new laboratory. Shortly, thereafter Edison would invent an entire lighting system rather than just a single light bulb.

Edison succeeded where others had failed. Edison chose to look at the big picture and created a lighting system including wiring, plugs, and connectors, to operate more than one light bulb at once. Thomas Edison's achievements include holding a world record of 1,093 patents for inventions.

His most famous quote: "I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work."

Walt Disney, Disneyland: Walt Disney was raised on a farm near Marceline, Missouri; he became interested in drawing at only six years of age, selling his first sketches to neighbors when he was only seven years old. At 16 Disney was sent to France to drive an ambulance for Red Cross, the ambulance was covered stem to stern in Disney cartoons. It was at the age of 21, Walt had started to create "The Alice Comedies", half way through the production, he ran out of money, and went bankrupt. Walt had discussed his financial problems with his brother Roy, who suggested they pool all their resources together; in the process of pooling all their resources together, they obtained a loan for $500 to set up shop in their uncle's garage. Shortly after they received an order from New York and expanded. Walt's life-long dream was to create the "Happiest Place on Earth" which we now know as Disneyland. He had drawn up plans for his huge Disneyland fun park, and was turned down 302 times before he got financing for his dream: Disneyland. Today, due to his persistence, millions of people have shared in "the joy of Disney".

J.K. Rowling, Harry Potter: Joanne Rowling was born and raised in England, Rowling started writing fantasy stories when she was 6 years old. Her first story, Rabbit, was filled with interesting characters such as a large bee called Miss Bee. Eventually, she graduated from school to become a bilingual secretary due her parents persisting she would make a great secretary.However, Rowling while working as a secretary found it difficult to remain attentive, and often would write ideas for stories, rather than taking company notes.

A few years later Rowling would marry and have a daughter. Unfortunately, her marriage ended in a sad divorce, where Rowling found herself unemployed and collecting welfare to survive. This caused Rowling to feel a great sense of failure and unworthiness, as a result she admits to suffering from major depression, to the point she even contemplated suicide. The only reason she did not commit suicide was due to her daughter, as she asked herself, "who will take care of her and how will this impact the rest of her life." What's amazing is Rowling in suffering such an array of difficult circumstances was able to somehow find the strength within, to go back to her childhood dream, and that was to write the Harry Potter story. In writing her first manuscript she would often go to the cafes to write, as the cafes kept her and her daughter warm during England's cold winter months. Rowling in completing her first manuscript had submitted her manuscript to a number of publishers. Her manuscript was turned down by many, who told her it would never sell due to a lack of demand for such a book. Despite, these rejections, Rowling refused to give up, she kept sending out her manuscript, and it was a smaller publishing house based in London that agreed to publish the first Harry Potter book.

Her writings in the summer of 2000, had reportedly earned over $400 million for her first three Harry Potter books, which have been printed in 35 languages and sold over 30 million copies. She is now known as the most successful writer in the world with the most sales, in the shortest amount of time.

Keep on going, and the chances are that you will stumble on something, perhaps when you are least expecting it. I never heard of anyone ever stumbling on something sitting down.







J.K.罗琳,《哈利·波特》的作者,在英国出生长大。6岁时,她就开始写虚幻故事。她的处女作《兔子》中充满了各种有趣的角色,比如有只叫Miss Bee的大蜜蜂。最终,她从学校毕业后成为了一名双语秘书,因为她的父母坚持认为她可以做很棒的文书。然而,在任秘书工作期间,罗琳发现自己很难集中注意力,她经常创作故事,而不是记公司笔记。





① switch v. 转换;用鞭子等抽打

② phonograph n. 留声机;电唱机

③ laboratory n. 实验室,研究室

Attitude Management 管理你的态度

Umar Saleh

Everyone wants to be popular and prestigious①among people around him. All the time people try to impress others without good reasons and impose their material thoughts upon them. Most of people perform certain acts just for the sake of being noticed by others and winning their praise all the way. They try to wear different clothes and adopt modern fashions which they think make them look impressive. Apparently they get an abrupt attention but it remains a fake attitude to be admired for a long time.

What is your real worth? It will be revealed by others when you are not present. People remain observing us all the time and we cannot deny this factor yet we are also afraid being witnessed continuously. This feeling keeps us uncomfortable and we are not relaxed or at ease all the time, which is quite natural.

If we want to manage our attitude we should change from within, we have to work on our attitude. We have to behave and take actions according to our inner motives, thinking and ego. One must be strong enough to mould his or her attitude according to situations and tough times.

It is a challenging job to be performed with inner decision and if somebody tries to handle tough situations by maintaining good gestures he or she must be appreciated and recognized within the people or if somebody fails to do so, he or she may become the laughing stock for others.

If somebody behaves in a strong manner with a positive thinking no doubt he or she will earn the respect from the other people and they will start admiring and giving value as a high profile personality. The popularity may come to uplift② that person in the eyes of fellow beings. This will be quite satisfying and honorable too.

So it is the attitude which becomes so important rather than adopting the latest fashion and doing certain things which can bring a change in a positive manner. Superficial activities have a very timely and temporary③effect rather good and positive attitude really makes you distinguished all the way.








① prestigious a. 有名望的;有声望的

② uplift v. 提高;抬起

③ temporary a. 暂时的,临时的

Take the Box off Your Head 冲破束缚

Margaret R

When I began my journey towards the understanding of Third Q, my life was not worth much. My expectations and my achievements were severely① limited. My thinking was boxed in, and I suspect that yours is, too.

My comfortable existence in some ways reflects the way many of us live our lives. We feel safe in our own little worlds. We are afraid of stepping outside our boundaries. Even though an amazing world of joy and success awaits us on the other side, we are often unwilling to break free of our self-created boundaries.

It's as if each of us lives our life in a box. However, none of our boxes are the same. Some are larger, some are smaller; some have thicker walls, and some have thinner walls. And interestingly, it seems that people with the most wants, needs, and desires tend to live in tiny boxes that tend not to grow through the years. But limitations are not reserved for those who are poor or unhappy. Even millionaires② live in a box. Theirs may be larger, but their boxes are no less limiting. In fact, Max, my mentor, told me once that the same mind it took for him to become a millionaire was not the same one that he needed to become a billionaire. He needed to break out of his millionaire box.

This discussion of mental boxes is more than just a metaphor. The constraints we create in our heads are as real as the walls of a cardboard box; not only do they keep us contained, but they also keep us from seeing what's outside. Fortunately, unlike a cardboard box, the walls we create in our minds are flexible. And as a consequence the more knowledge and openness we bring into our box, the more we can expand the box and thin its walls. Truly enlightened③ people have large boxes with ultra-thin walls like a balloon, and some, like the Dalai Lama, actually shatter the boundaries of their boxes. Once you realize this truth, you can endeavor to gain the skills necessary to grow your box and, in turn, expand your reality.

As an exercise, cover your head with a box. Leave it there for at least five minutes. Think about the limits of your experience inside the box. What can you see? What are you missing?

Now, take the box from your head. What do you experience? A sense of freedom? Joy? An appreciation of the world around you?

Close your eyes and reflect on your thoughts. Do you find that certain factors are limiting those thoughts? Try to fill your mind with thoughts that are free of the bias of others, thoughts that serve you, thoughts that empower you, thoughts that expand you.









① severely ad. 严重地;严格地;严厉地

② millionaire n. 百万富翁;大富豪

③ enlighten v. 启发,启蒙;教导,开导;照耀

Are You Afraid of Accepting More Good? 你害怕接受更多的美好吗?

Linda-Ann Stewart

Many years ago, I participated in an exercise at a workshop to show us how at ease we were with allowing good into our lives. As I imagined a little extra good flowing in, I was fine. But when I visualized a lot more good, I started to get anxious, even scared.

The exercise continued, expanding the amount of good I would let in. When I got past that first barrier, I was once again comfortable with the concept of letting more good into my life. It was an interesting exercise for me, showing that, for some reason, I was fearful of allowing more Universal good flow into me.

Why would anyone be afraid of more good? Imagine heaven smiling down upon you, living in grace, everything falling into place in your life. Why would that create anxiety? Isn't that exactly what you want?

Since the time of the exercise, I've discovered that many people share the fear I experienced. It comes in various shapes and forms, and from multiple causes. And it's one reason you unconsciously block your desires. Because of past experiences, you don't know what catastrophe① will happen if you actually achieve what you say you want in life.

Over the years, I've identified a few reasons for that concern:

Fear of a backlash. If you receive more good, you fear that somehow it will be taken away. It's almost a superstition② that one hand will give the good, and another hand will take it away. Sometimes, this comes from childhood. You might have received something you really wanted, but then had a cherished toy taken from you because your parent decided that you'd outgrown it.

Have to give it away. I've known several people who deliberately kept their income at a low level so they wouldn't have to give their extra money to indigent relatives. They couldn't say "No" to the relatives, and save the extra for a rainy day in their own life. From a young age, they were trained that they had to give all their extra toys and cherished possessions to their siblings or cousins. They were the "Cinderella" of the family, and haven't realized that things can be different now.

Fear of punishment. Somehow, you fear that more good will bring some punishment upon you. Some force will come down and make you pay for having something great happen. You're receiving more good than you deserve and should be flogged for it. The only thing that punishes you is your old programming. You deserve all the good you receive.

This is one of the issues I discovered I had. I once had a childhood friend who would put me down whenever I had something nice happen in my life. She once told me that she wanted to make sure I didn't exaggerate my importance. So I stopped telling her of any positives that occurred.

To begin to overcome this irrational fear that more good is scary, examine what happened when you were a child. When you got some toy or reward that others didn't get, how did you feel? What happened? Did you get beat up, was it taken away, were you emotionally abandoned, resented or attacked? Maybe you always had to share, and when you got the toy back, it was damaged or destroyed.

Whatever happened to you, it set up a pattern in your subconscious to expect this type of reaction every time you received something good in your life. And it probably continues to this day. To begin to combat that programming, remind yourself that you're the grownup now, and you have the power to say "Yes" or "No" or"Take a hike". And that you have the strength, ability, knowledge and resources to take care of your own inner self and worth.

I still practice the workshop exercise occasionally. It gives me feedback as to where I might be blocking myself, and to expand my acceptance of more good. When I feel the fear, I talk to it, letting it know that it doesn't have to protect me anymore. You can do the same thing, and allow yourself to open your mind to receive more good every day.














① catastrophe n. 大灾难;大祸;惨败

② superstition n. 迷信

Making More of Your Life 创造更好的生活

Keith Barrett

When you think about your life and your achievements, you may have some feelings that are associated with doubts, or with regret. It's easy to feel like you haven't achieved all that you can, or that life should be so much better. Indeed, you may discover that you spend time looking at others with a sense of jealousy.

Your own feelings may reflect realistic issues about the progression① of your career, or the state of the relationships that you are involved in. What does become clear is that you may need to make some changes in order to find the levels of success that you crave.

Before doing so, there may also be value associated with working out what it is that you are really trying to achieve. Do you have aims that are realistic? Although it's no bad thing to set the bar at a high level, this may not be the most appropriate approach in all circumstances. You need to give some consideration② to the levels that you will be able to reach.

It's often the case in life that you will be trying to put yourself in the best possible position to be able to take advantage of the possibilities that are out there. If you're really going to meet your ambitions, then you'll need to give yourself the best possible chance.

It can also be incredibly dangerous to spend too much time thinking about how others perceive you. This is not to say, of course, that this is not a natural approach to the problem. It can become easy to get drawn in to spending endless hours pondering the thoughts of others. Ultimately, this can actually have a negative impact on your own happiness levels.

Would it be nice to think that other people's opinions shouldn't matter to you at all? Although this may be something that seems pretty appealing, you do need to think about whether you will ever put yourself in that position. The problem here is often one that seems to centre on individual perceptions③.

You may well perceive that others look at you and consider your actions in detail. But is this really the case? It's more likely that you are building up this picture, due to your own awareness of the things that you say and do. Ultimately, you may be the person who emerges as being your greatest critic.

Most of us will tend to find that it's easier to identify personal problems than success stories. Sometimes, however, you do need to make the time to pat yourself on the back. It's nice to be positive and to appreciate your own efforts. Such a course of action can really allow yourself to blossom in full.

Think about whether a positive approach could allow you to develop and to flourish.











① progression n. 前进;连续

② consideration n. 考虑;原因;关心;报酬

③ perception n. 知觉;看法;洞察力

Learning the Virtue of Being Patient 如何培养工作中的耐心

Amy Twain

Patience is a virtue, as they say, but many of us(myself included—sometimes) struggle with being patient—or should I say, the lack of it. And some negative things follow when you lack patience. Like say, when a certain person really pisses you off, or even the thought of a particular situation about something, then you feel bad, or you can't focus your attention to what you're doing or what you are about to do. Not to mention that you tend to compromise① your relationships with people—just because you lack the value of being patient.

Okay, just like with anything, it may take time to be patient—perhaps that's why it's quite a rare virtue. Especially in these times of almost all things instant—IM, chats, text messaging, instant noodles, instant coffee, the works.

For instance, let's say you're a newbie and you got your very first job ever—in an office. Obviously, you have no idea what it feels like working with a bunch of professionals in this kind of working environment. At first, it can be quite new to you how to jibe along with your colleagues, not to mention learning new things like your tasks or projects which needs to master. If you are not patient enough, you can get easily frustrated if you don't master it fast enough or you make some mistakes along the way. However, over time, you can get the hang of things and it does take time to master a certain task.

As for making mistakes, it will also help you learn to be more patient if you ask questions or clarifications②from your supervisor or your workmates about your work.

So that any errors you have or confusion, it will already be rectified or corrected early on before you have many errors, or else, it will delay the productivity of your organization, or you won't give a hard time for your office mates (especially if your work involves stages wherein various tasks are via stages, and handled by different staff).

At times, it can be quite disturbing not to mention uncomfortable if you argues with someone at work. Don't think that you can simply be overruled③ just because that employee has already been there with the company longer and you're just a newbie.

Nevertheless, over time with experience, hopefully you'll get to learn how to draft your arguments, so that you can present your case or opinions objectively and briefly. Bear in mind that certain corporate settings can indeed be aggressive or can even be cutthroat. The more exposed and patient you will be, the better you will be in trying to cope with that kind of environment. It's comforting to realize that the things you learn through experience will eventually help you to give the patience you need even in the day to day dealings with others, which can be crucial also.









① compromise v. 妥协;让步

② clarification n. 澄清,说明;净化

③ overrule v. 否决;统治;对……施加影响

What Confident People Do—They Make Things Happen 自信的人在做什么——付诸实践

Amy Twain

In life, there are no guarantees. And confident people surely know this that's why they constantly try and make attempts come what may. Sure there are times which they fail or they may fall short of everyone's expectations, but that's not going to deter them from trying all over again and pursue what they want. In fact, it will all the more challenge them as confident people thrive on challenges and make them even more resilient.

Most of us, we know what we want but are hindered by our imagined fear of the unknown, waiting for permission①, waiting for the right time.

"When I lose weight, I'll buy that dress", "Only when I'm ready", "Not until I got enough practice","Not until I have enough time". Excuses, excuses. Never ending excuses.

Confident people never wait for that perfect timing, not even for perfection. For them, every day is a day worth trying, worth perfecting an art, a skill, a technique to practice. Not next month, not when the time is right. Confident people never wait for a fantasy to happen. For all we do is dream and wait, isn't it all a fantasy? But how about making this day a reality? Stop dreaming and start making it happen!

What if at all you're only wasting your time? Why not just spend time attempting and failing than never to have tried at all? At least your efforts are never wasted by worrying but still not doing anything at all.

If you attempted, at least you'll know what works and not. Even if you failed, you'll congratulate yourself for at least making an effort in jumping and taking that plunge②—sink or swim!








① permission n. 允许;许可

② plunge v. 投入;陷入;跳入

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