罗永浩倾力推荐!为什么今天还要回顾一个国家的种族历史,反思各种族在同一片土地上的生存状况,即使在建国已有两百多年的美国,在种族已经实现了“平等”的今天。人是社会性的动物,追求集体感和身份认同是自然的选择,在种族繁多的美国,因为融合、改变带来的矛盾冲突尤其突出。一个少数族裔融入的过程伴随着各种痛楚,常不为外人道,而在美国,德国人、日本人、法国人、华人、西班牙人、波多黎各人走过的成为“美国人”的道路也各有辛酸。也许,你认为自己了解种族的问题,理解文化震撼,但读完本书,或许你会发现对种族的误解还深深存在,急待改变。The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget
In The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget, Josh Dorfman takes you inside the latest developments in green living to demonstrate how you can easily and affordably have your designer jeans and your planet too. From raising eco-conscious kids to greening your daily commute, Dorfman provides insights into the next wave of green innovation and the products and services that will lighten your planetary impact and lower your expenses. Find bargain basement deals on stylish organic bedding and bamboo furnishings at the largest retailers in the world. Score instant rebates on everything from compact fluorescent light bulbs to energy-efficient air conditioners. And earn reward points for carpooling with friends.?In a time when many people are feeling financially restricted, The Lazy Environmentalist on a Budget is your guide to effortlessly saving the planet while keeping some extra cash in your pocket.归纳观察法训练(青少年提高逻辑思维能力训练集)