本书的出版发行,开创了晋冀鲁豫根据地史研究的一个新领域,打开了晋冀鲁豫根据地史研究的新页面,填补了晋冀鲁豫根据地史研究的空白,有着创新性的意义。更为突出的是在大力提倡社会主义核心价值观的今天,重温历史,重温太行之路,对我们进行世界观、价值观、人生观教育将有着十分重要的意义。Beyond the Mask
In this dramatic conclusion to the Grasslands Trilogy, Corki, Pippa, and all their friends are reunited for a final fight to determine the future of Grassland. After escaping the mountains of Grassland, where Corki and Pippa and their friends were slaves and soldiers, the fugitives finally found a new life, and are seemingly safe at last. But as the former slaves explore new lands to the north, they discover that cruelty and injustice are not only found in Grassland, and that the people they visit may need their help. Grassland, too, may need assistance. When an appeal from an old friend reaches Corki and Pippa in their travels, will they have the courage to do what's right for their old land, despite its cruel history? What will it cost them to change Grassland for the better?营销炼金术:突破营销的4大战略魔方