人生最大的敌人不是失败,而是甘于平淡、安于现状的心。时光不会辜负每一个努力的人,念念不忘,必有回响。将来的你,一定会感谢现在拼命的自己!你想去的远方,现在就起航;趁年轻,拼一拼;用最好的姿态,拥抱世界的精彩;向前走,不回头:去和这个功利的世界谈谈;人生不言败;活成自己喜欢的样子;愿所有的坚持终不被辜负;让你的努力,配得上你的梦想;世界不曾亏欠每一个努力的人。Tim Gunn
"There seems to be no one more qualified or equipped to ponder or even, dare I say, dictate 'quality, taste, and style' than Tim." -Sarah Jessica Parker, actor/producerTelevision has introduced the world to a new fashion authority: Tim Gunn. As Bravo's style mentor and Chair of the Fashion Design Department at Parsons The New School for Design, Tim delivers advice in a frank, witty, and authoritative manner that delights wkkk.net readers can benefit from Tim's considerable fashion wisdom in Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste & Style. He discusses every aspect of creating and maintaining your personal style: how to dress for various occasions, how to shop (from designer to chain to vintage stores), how to pick a fashion mentor, how to improve your posture, find the perfect fit, and more. He'll challenge every reader-whether a seasoned fashionista or a style neophyte-to "make it work!"