一朝穿越,杀手变村姑,两间破茅屋,一块小菜园,家当少到可怜。娘亲早亡,爹爹再娶。后娘小气,继妹刁钻。好在,她有懂事亲妹,听话小弟,只是养活他俩实属不易。看着破破烂烂,低矮简陋的茅屋,再看看空空如也的小厨房。木香咬咬牙,甩开膀子去挣钱。没钱没屋咱不怕,咱有智慧。修新房,打水井,开荒地,挖塘搂鱼,小日子过的一天比一天红火。秀出极品厨艺,换回银两置办家当。买小猪,买鸡崽,多养家禽,早致富。偶遇当朝一品大将军,长的帅,身材棒,战功赫赫,还是一个身心纯洁的好青年。虾米?将军想纳妻?抱歉,本姑娘志在种田,不在宫斗。将军怒:“想种田是吗?来人,把本将军的后花园,即刻改成农田,全府上下,扛上锄头,随夫人种田去!”《本文一对一,男主身心干净,女主霸气率性》(轻烟出品,跳坑无悔!)且看小村姑如何调教威武大将军。Victor, Vanquished, Son (Of Crowns and Glory—Book
"Morgan Rice has come up with what promises to be another brilliant series, immersing us in a fantasy of valor, honor, courage, magic and faith in your destiny. Morgan has managed again to produce a strong set of characters that make us cheer for them on every page.…Recommended for the permanent library of all readers that love a well-written fantasy."--Books and Movie Reviews, Roberto Mattos (regarding Rise of the Dragons)VICTOR, VANQUISHED, SON is book #8—and the final book—in Morgan Rice's bestselling epic fantasy series OF CROWNS AND GLORY, which begins with SLAVE, WARRIOR, QUEEN (Book #1), a free download.While Ceres battles in a mystical land to regain her lost powers—and to save her very life—Thanos, Akila, Lord West and the others dig in on the Isle of Haylon for their final stand against the might of Felldust's fleet. Jeva tries to rally her Bone Folk to come to Thanos' aid and join in the battle for Haylon.