我们编辑的这套《世界经典神话故事全集》包括《开天辟地的故事》、《神迹仙踪的故事》、《妖魔鬼怪的故事》、《鱼龙精灵的故事》、《荒诞不经的故事》、《奇异自然的故事》、《万物有灵的故事》、《鸟兽灵异的故事》、《英雄传说的故事》和《风俗源流的故事》10册,内容囊括了古今中外著名神话故事数百篇,既有一定的代表性,又有一定的普遍性,非常适合青少年学习和收藏。Opened Ground
This volume is a much-needed new selection of Seamus Heaney's work, taking account of recent volumes and of the author's work as a translator, and offering a more generous choice from previous volumes. Opened Ground: Poems 1966-1996 comes as close to being a 'Collected Poems' as its author cares to make it. It replaces his New Selected Poems 1966-1987, giving a fuller selection from each of the volumes represented there and adding large parts of those that have appeared since, together with examples of his work as a translator from the Greek, Latin, Italian and other languages. The book concludes with 'Crediting Poetry', the speech with which Seamus Heaney accepted the 1995 Nobel Prize in Literature, awarded to him, in the words of the Swedish Academy of Letters, for his 'works of lyrical beauty and ethical depth'.探秘:世界未解之谜(军事篇)