柳折眉是江湖上脾气最温文的男人,是少女们梦中的如意郎君,他可以当任何人的知己,为任何人解决难题。他学富五车,读书破万卷;他武功高强,世间罕有;他温柔体贴,尔雅清隽;他是江湖后起之秀之中最杰出的一个,他悲天悯人,有救世心肠——但他——不会——爱他的妻。慕容执,柳折眉的妻,曾几何时,她的爱,已经卑微到了失去自我的地步——即使,只是让他宣布她的身份是他妻子——而已——她都不敢有所期待,却愿意付出——不是愿意这般伟大地牺牲,而是——情到深处,无可奈何,她忠于自己的心。心告诉她,愿意如此——爱他——因为,只有如此地爱他,他才不会上了天,成了非人间的神佛。The Epic Crush of Genie Lo
The struggle to get into a top-tier college consumes sixteen-year-old Genie's every waking thought. But when she discovers she's a celestial spirit who's powerful enough to bash through the gates of heaven with her fists, her perfectionist existence is shattered. Enter Quentin, a transfer student from China whose tone-deaf assertiveness beguiles Genie to the brink of madness. Quentin nurtures Genie's outrageous transformation—sometimes gently, sometimes aggressively—as her sleepy suburb in the Bay Area comes under siege from hell-spawn. This epic YA debut draws from Chinese folklore, features a larger-than-life heroine, and perfectly balances the realities of Genie's grounded high school life with the absurd supernatural world she finds herself commanding.