竹小然仰天长叹:为什么她在21世纪是个卖猪肉的,到了大宋国还是卖猪肉的!虽然被称为猪肉西施,可说到底也是个平民。能不能给她来一个王爷太子大司马,把她纳入府中,享尽荣华富贵,走上人生巅峰!Elf Realm
With The Low Road, Daniel Kirk has created a mystical world that will keep readers coming back for more. When Matt and his family move to a new neighborhood, they don't realize they've inadvertently stumbled into the middle of massive upheaval in the fairy world. With the elves' territory disintegrating and dark factions looking to seize control, apprentice mage Tuava-Li must defend her way of life—even when that means cooperating with Matt, a human and a natural enemy, as he may just hold the key to saving the Elf Realm from certain destruction.