《四书五经·大学 中庸 孟子》归属清华大学继续教育文库,是“中国传统文化经典名句”丛书之一。从中国传统文化经典名著《大学》《中庸》《孟子》中,遴选部分代表名句,分主题原文呈现并中英文翻译注释,配以精美书法作品,附传统经典名篇全文及生僻字注音,同时定向邀请具有深厚文化底蕴及汉语言文字造诣的书法教育家、清华大学德艺双馨的师生校友、社会各界实力派书法名家书写主题内容,经典名句、传统丹青、中英文释义三位一体,以传统艺术形式承载民族优秀文化思想。The Runaway's Gold
In 1842, Christopher Robertson's family lives a difficult life as "crofters," farmers and fishermen so in debt to the landowner that they have no hope of ever breaking free. To make matters worse, Christopher also lives under the thumb of his morally questionable father and devious brother. When his brother frames him for the theft of their father's secret bag of coins, Christopher must leave his home and embark on a journey across the island to return the coins and clear his name. It's a journey that takes twists and turns, including stops in prison, on a smuggler's ship, and at the house of a beautiful girl —and it ends with him escaping to a new life in America, which has dangers of its own.没有人可以比我更爱你