她,是现代顶尖杀手,却遭人怨恨,最终含恨而死,一朝穿越,便要潇洒活一世。什么?废柴!遥身一变,极品丹药一抓一大把,各种神兽争相签订契约,各路美男争相求嫁。 但是却被冰山王爷宠成了小绵羊,这怎么行! “王爷,来一战!” “好,夫人莫非欲-求不满?没关系,为夫这就履行责任。” 【虽然前两本书可能玛丽苏,但是我保证,就算我们玛丽苏,也要苏的不一样!后面的小说绝对题材新颖!】凰宠
她是风云大陆第一世家的四小姐,美男见之绕道,姐妹恨不得她死,连某店掌柜都鄙视一掌打得她吐血,完了还被强掳到皇帝窝里汇报情报,是个人缘很差的悲催无间道。可又谁知,一朝灵魂重生,王者归来,她是唯一一个比凤凰更珍稀的上古青羽风生兽,人间历练之行无法掩饰骨子里高傲狠辣的天性。_欺她辱她者,杀之;杀她者,其道百倍奉还之;皇帝?她暗暗冷笑,初次较量那一掌,就注定了彼此不死不休。_自此五国排列被她改写,大陆风云有她厚重的一笔,是史上第一位外姓侯爵,是一招刺杀西晋、东孟数十将领的神秘高手,更是惹得扶苏降灵士穷追不舍,大陆动荡不安的妖女。一袭墨衣,天生妖瞳,世间风华尽在手,风云天下第一人,问,天下男子,谁能抵挡?_读者新群:184037895(广招钠贤喜欢的亲请进)LAPD '53
James Ellroy, the undisputed master of crime writing, has teamed up with the Los Angeles Police Museum to present a stunning text on 1953 LA. While combing the museum's photo archives, Ellroy discovered that the year featured a wide array of stark and unusual imagery—and he has written 25,000 words that illuminate the crimes and law enforcement of the era. Ellroy o ffers context and layers on wild and rich atmosphere—this is the cauldron that was police work in the city of the tarnished angels more than six decades ago. More than 80 duotone photos are spread throughout the book in the manner of hard-edged police evidence.