《说话的艺术》是一本具中国传统特色的实用性语言技巧书籍,实用有效的说话技巧及攻心读本。精炼的语言、睿智的话语、全新的理念,带领我们学习中国文化的精彩之处,分享睿智过人的说话之道,探究中国语言艺术的博大精深,领悟其中的为人之道。让你一分钟说到对方心窝里,三分钟打破僵局,离开跟客户成交,跟陌生人成为好朋友。读完《说话的艺术》,相信你一定能成为应对得体,言谈潇洒的交际达人。Count Belisarius
Threatened by invaders on all sides, the Roman Empire in the sixth century fought to maintain its borders. Leading its defense was the Byzantine general Belisarius, a man who earned the grudging respect of his enemies, and who rose to become the Emperor Justinian's greatest military leader.Loosely based on Procopius' History of the Justinian Wars and Secret History, this novel tells the general's story through the eyes of Eugenius, a eunuch and servant to the general's wife. It presents a compelling portrait of a man bound by a strict code of honor and unrelenting loyalty to an emperor who is intelligent but flawed, and whose decisions bring him to a tragic end. Eminent historical novelist and classicist Robert Graves presents a vivid account of a time in history both dissolute and violent, and demonstrates one again his mastery of this historical period.承诺:企业员工最有效的执行之道
《承诺:企业员工最有效的执行之道》简介:承诺意味着不管发生什么,都要有足够的耐心按质按量地完成任务;承诺也意味不管遇到什么困难,都没有任何借口,而要有足够的信心努力去执行任务;承诺还意味着不给自己留退路,抱有足够的决心,破釜沉舟,背水一战,一定把任务执行到底。 承诺也能够激发员工无穷的激情和潜能。一个优秀员工应该敢于大胆向上司承诺,不找任何借口。如此,在你的职业生涯中,将没有什么不可能!卡耐基口才训练全集(经典珍藏版)