本书收录了常见《羊皮卷》范本的经典,同时融入了最新的励志好书,17部世界级成功宝典以各自的主题让《羊皮卷大全集:一生必读的励志经典(超值金版)》处处闪耀着人类智慧的光芒,并照耀着生命的前程。相传两千多年前,一个贫苦青年海菲在神的指引下,得到秘密流传下来的经商致富秘籍,最终成为了富甲一方的人。这些秘籍书写在羊皮卷上,因此被称为“羊皮卷”。但令人惋惜的是,自海菲之后,再也没有人看到过这些神秘的羊皮卷。虽然那些神秘的羊皮卷已经随着时间的流逝而消失在历史的车轮下,但是富有羊皮卷意义的书籍却从未消失过。Arena 3 (Book #3 in the Survival Trilogy)
"Shades of THE HUNGER GAMES permeate a story centered around two courageous teens determined to buck all odds in an effort to regain their loved ones. A believable, involving world, recommended for those who enjoy dystopian novels, powerful female characters, and stories of uncommon courage." --Midwest Book Review, D. Donovan, eBook Reviewer (regarding Arena 1)ARENA 3 is book #3 in the Bestselling Survival Trilogy, which begins with ARENA 1, a free download.After nearly freezing to death on their trek north, Brooke and her small group wake to find themselves in civilization. They have found the utopian city, hidden deep in a remote stretch of Canada. They have heat, food, comfortable beds, clean clothes, and security. Finally, they have made it.As Brooke recovers, she meets the mysterious survivors who inhabit this city, and who vie for her love. She trains again, enhancing her fighting skills greatly under the wing of a new mentor, and matures into a woman.麦尔顿旅行记(英国卷)