独自经营一家小杂货店,为了满足客人的需要,每天穿梭于城市间。他是伍郎,你可以叫他——孤独的美食家。售出客人需要的货物时,伍郎也旁观了一段段人间冷暖。就像间隙寻觅的美食,人生五味杂陈,故事千回百转,有跨越重洋带着焦糊味的爸爸炒饭,也有一辈子无法共享的珍珠奶茶,有祖孙三代打破坚冰的家庭味,也有等了一辈子的孤独情。回不去的故乡,到不了的远方,都浓缩在形形色色的美食,磨碎于齿间,重重地磨过身体,安放在胃中,变成人生的种种养分,滋润着每个人孤独的生命。说到底,我们每个人都是伍郎,演绎自己的故事,做他人的过客,这本书讲的,就是世界上的另一个你——伍郎,以及散落在各个角落里形形色色的你。My Name is Red
In the late 1590s, the Sultan secretly commissions a great book: a celebration of his life and his empire, to be illuminated by the best artists of the day - in the European manner. At a time of violent fundamentalism, however, this is a dangerous proposition. Even the illustrious circle of artists are not allowed to know for whom they are working. But when one of the miniaturists is murdered, their Master has to seek outside help. Did the dead painter fall victim to professional rivalry, romantic jealousy or religious terror?With the Sultan demanding an answer within three days, perhaps the clue lies somewhere in the half-finished pictures … Orhan Pamuk is one of the world's leading contemporary novelists and in My Name is Red, he fashioned an unforgettable tale of suspense, and an artful meditation on love and deception.銮凤升鸣