本书作者巴尔塔莎·格拉西安是一位充满智慧和深邃判断力的西班牙耶稣会教士。其经典之作《智慧书》以300则简洁的格言警句征服读者,该书是作者作品中被译次数最多、影响最大的著作,且流传至今,经久不衰,对历史上一些著名哲学家如叔本华、尼采、拉罗什福科等产生过重要影响。它以简洁精辟的语言,与读者探讨如何以一种智慧的方式生存于世。国王读过《处世的艺术》之后评价说:“《处世的艺术》犹如一块精致的宝石,我可以告诉你,里面包含了很多伟大的思想!”国王称,《处世的艺术》是精品中的精品,是他的必备读物。为了方便读者,我们将作者的这两部经典合成一本,称为《处世的艺术》。Second Tomorrow
When Clare's fiancé dies, she's devastated, and she vows to keep his memory alive. But then, on the warm, sunny beaches of the Caribbean, she meets handsome and arrogant Luke Mortimer--a man determined to win her heart. Luke pursues Clare relentlessly, but she's torn between holding on to the memory of the man she once loved and allowing herself to fall again. Will she stay faithful to a long-dead lover, or give in to the man who pursues her?