安东尼·莫里斯·尼克编著的这本《超越平凡:自我的力量》介绍了心智的力量以及如何释放出心智的潜能以获取成功。它为自我帮助和自我发展指明了基本方向,实施为了成功而必须采取的行为,从而有所作为。它描述了无意识惊人的力量,展示了大脑的工作机理以及它是如何释放其巨大的力量并利用它在生活中获得成功。Where Eagles Nest
Lynn needs her guardian's permission to marry--and his stepson, Paul Loukas, would never let that happen. Still, Lynn craves freedom. And with her options limited, she marries Paul in a desperate bid to gain her freedom.Years ago, Paul was in love with Lynn. And he can still deny her nothing--except the freedom she needs. His kisses fill her with desire, and soon Lynn begins to wonder whether the freedom her heart longs for is the freedom to leave--or stay.从约战开始的综漫之旅