与其心心念念地期待成为灰姑娘,不如自己努力做女王。根据本书改编的影视剧筹拍中。毕业第四年,马励的生活发生了翻天覆地的变化。相恋数年的男友傅青松劈腿,分手二十五天后就入赘豪门;前男友结婚那天,一场意外遇见了“他”。刻薄的女上司因为嫉妒贤能,想方设法排挤她,逼着她失去了工作。失去工作,积蓄用尽;遭遇职场和情场双重滑铁卢,面对一无所有的窘境,马励似乎已经无路可走……她背水一战,与志同道合者一起创业。在经历重重波折和打击后,创立的网站终于上线了。然而商场风云变幻,马励和合伙人发生分歧,在网站急速扩张时毅然离开。在冤家史锐一和闺蜜杨随意、原知秋的支持和帮助下,马励又重振旗鼓,开始了第二次创业。Making It Happen
In all aspects of her life, author and motivational speaker Leigh Anne Tuohy advocates living a better life by cultivating a more generous spirit. By volunteering in your community, valuing other people, and reaching out to those in need, Tuohy believes that anyone can lead a happier and more fulfilled life—and this book is your guide to achieving it.In Making it Happen: Just Turn Around, Tuohy details concrete action steps you can take to becoming more involved and giving—in both your community and in your one-on-one interactions with others. Woven within are stories and lessons designed to help you change your mindset—to bring a happier and more generous life within your reach.