Evas teaching career is seriously, and humorously, on the rocks. She loves her job, but is finding it harder by the minute to take her employer seriously. More and more Eva takes refuge in her mothers home city of Prague. She finds its cultural roots go back further than she could ever have imagined. As she shambles and laughs her way through school, Eva delves into the inspiring history of the city she loves. She is transformed by what she discovers. But will she find the links between Prague, North Yorkshire, the legacy of the Etruscans and Abraham the Patriarch?悦读MOOK(第六卷)
他是位高权重、威武霸气、不近女色的商界大鳄。据说,他凶残无情,一脚就把投怀送抱的女人给踹飞,却小心翼翼地将她捧在手心里,倾尽宠爱,人称“护妻狂魔”。而她只是一个名声不好的坏丫头,在她快堕入深渊的时候,是他拯救了她。只可惜,门不当户不对,她被迫带着肚子里的几个小球球离开。幸运的是,她得到了一个牛破天际的位面交易系统,坏丫头开启逆袭致富之路,一步一步站上高峰,成为完美人生的大赢家。【提示:架空现代,1V1,甜宠,爽文,有萌宝】LEGENDS AND LYRICS- FIRST SERIES