穿越成病秧子小美人,还要被逼嫁给残疾王爷,一手的烂牌人设!但是没关系,不就是装白花扮柔弱巧夺人心么?她在行得很,翻云覆雨间,得了某只腹黑王爷青眼相加,无尽溺宠。世道乱,携手相护,平战天下,而江山高位在他心中,远不及她灿然一笑。Man Without Honor
When Kathryn Dalton discovers an ancient ring, she believes it may be worth some money--or at least some sentimental value. And when gorgeous Leon Coletis begins to court her, she has no idea it's connected to her lucky find.But Leon is keeping a secret. His family are the rightful owners of the ring, which is part of a set that's centuries old. His sister is ailing and believes her misfortunes stem from the loss of the ring. Leon will stop at nothing to get the ring back to make his sister well--including propose to Kathryn.