她挑着他的下巴,满眼认真:“孤的被窝太冷不好睡,爱卿给孤暖暖。”他望着她不语,眼里满是宠溺。她扬眉唤来女官:“去把这修罗将军洗白白了给孤送寝宫,今后他侍寝。他要是不配合,就打晕拖过去!”他轻叹:“陛下别闹。”她怒:“再说一遍!”他勾了勾嘴角:“臣喜欢和陛下一起洗…”欢迎加入我的群,群号:169923708Oh Yeah, Audrey!
It's 5:00 a.m. on Fifth Avenue, and 16-year-old Gemma Beasley is standing in front of Tiffany & Co. wearing the perfect black dress with her coffee in hand—just like Holly Golightly. As the cofounder of a successful Tumblr blog—Oh Yeah Audrey!—devoted to all things Audrey Hepburn, Gemma has traveled to New York in order to meet up with her fellow bloggers for the first time. She has meticulously planned out a 24-hour adventure in homage to Breakfast at Tiffany's; however, her plans are derailed when a glamorous boy sweeps in and offers her the New York experience she's always dreamed of. Gemma soon learns who her true friends are and that, sometimes, no matter where you go, you just end up finding wkkk.net with hip and sparkling prose, Oh Yeah, Audrey! is as much a story of friendship as it is a love letter to New York, Audrey Hepburn, and the character she made famous: Holly Golightly.