爱情不仅仅是汹涌澎湃的激情,更是在生活中积淀沉积的深厚情意。两个家庭,一个因治疗孩子的耳疾而身负重贷,一个因父母的瘫痪和丈夫出轨而陷入危机。他们彷徨过,也痛苦过,但最终选择了承担生活所带来的责任,重新拾回因生活压力而忽略的爱情。贫困与不幸是爱情的试金石,真挚的爱情不会因为婚姻与生活的磨砺而渐渐被打磨忘却,反而会成为构成家庭的最坚实的纽带。现实的压力并没有压垮这两个家庭,他们最终熬过了最艰难的时期,在守望未来的同时也紧握深深爱情。Getting There
The path to success is rarely easy or direct, and good mentors are hard to find. In Getting There, thirty leaders in diverse fields share their secrets to navigating the rocky road to the top. In an honest, direct, and engaging way, these role models describe the obstacles they faced, the setbacks they endured, and the vital lessons they learned. They dispense not only essential and practical career advice, but also priceless wisdom applicable to life in general. Getting There is for everyone—from students contemplating their futures to the vast majority of us facing challenges or seeking to reach our potential.