俗话说的好,“想要不被狗咬,那你就要先咬狗一口。”由此类推,“想要不被人咬,那你就要先咬人一口”,但是,当你遇到了一个吸血鬼的时候,想要不被他咬,是不是就要先咬他一口?苏夜色不知道,因为她遇到他的时候,正是她快要死去的时候。最爱的男人和最亲的女人同时将一把刀插进了她的身体,然后他们扬长而去,留下她一个人迎接死亡。她怀着满腔的怨恨,想要做一个死不瞑目的厉鬼,好去找他们报仇。不曾想,他救了她,她没有成为厉鬼,却成了吸血鬼。从此以后,在无边的夜色下,一部青涩女孩蜕变为超级女王的妖娆史华丽展开!-----------------------------------------------推荐我的女强玄幻文《吾家有女誓换天》,一样精彩,不容错过。Worlds of Ink and Shadow
Charlotte, Branwell, Emily, and Anne. The Bront? siblings find escape from their constrained lives via their rich imaginations. The glittering world of Verdopolis and the romantic and melancholy world of Gondal literally come to life under their pens, offering the sort of romance and intrigue missing from their isolated parsonage home. But at what price? As Branwell begins to slip into madness and the sisters feel their real lives slipping away, they must weigh the cost of their powerful imaginations, even as the characters they have created—the brooding Rogue and dashing Duke of Zamorna—refuse to let them go. Gorgeously written and based on the Bront?s'juvenilia, Worlds of Ink and Shadow brings to life one of history's most celebrated literary families in a thrilling, suspenseful fantasy.