A Topps League Story
It's Chad's first spring as a batboy, and the Pine City Porcupines are hot—until they come up against the league-leading Heron Lake Humdingers. Now Chad's got a whole lineup of problems: his favorite player, shortstop Mike Stammer, thinks he's jinxed; Dylan, the other batboy, doesn't even like baseball; there's a goofy new porcupine mascot on the field; plus, Chad has to fill in as batboy for the Herons. It's a good thing there's something in the cards—his baseball cards, that is—that can help Chad sort it all out.以她之名:第一次接触
在指挥官欧文. 迈克拉伦的带领下,奥罗拉参加了一次秘密的航空调查任务中,去寻找地球以外的适合人类生存的星球,他们此行的目的地是一个在星图中未曾标注的地方,数据显示那里似乎拥有两个可适合人类的外星球,这种可能性让人们十分兴奋,从而甘愿冒险去探索那片神秘的未知领域。