When Miles tells his fiancée, Monique, that they must keep their engagement a secret if she comes with him to live on Grand Cayman Island, she has misgivings. Once they reach the island, she realizes all her fears were right--and Miles breaks her heart.But then she meets Dirk Anderson, Miles' new employer. Handsome and domineering, Dirk couldn't be more different from Miles, and Monique finds herself strangely drawn to him. But he may be involved with another woman--the same one who came between her and Miles. Can she trust his love--or will her heart be broken once more?诗词丛谈(马乃骝诗文集)
爱人的目的是爱情,为了目前的小波浪忽然舍得将几年来两人辛辛苦苦织好的爱情之网用剪子铰得粉碎,这未免是不知道怎样去多领略点人生之味的人们的态度了。 本书收集了许多具有代表性的有关往事回味的故事