她曾以为,他会是她一生的眷恋与依靠。不曾想过,他最后却变为了没入她心口的那把利剑。时光流转中,经年的约定慢慢演变为一场错位的爱情。她所爱的是他,还是心中的那抹影子?他对她又有几许真心?他们的故事,在那些逃不开的爱恨情仇里,会幻灭?会存活?还是,会变成一段戛然而止的忧伤与遗憾?Man Without Honor
When Kathryn Dalton discovers an ancient ring, she believes it may be worth some money--or at least some sentimental value. And when gorgeous Leon Coletis begins to court her, she has no idea it's connected to her lucky find.But Leon is keeping a secret. His family are the rightful owners of the ring, which is part of a set that's centuries old. His sister is ailing and believes her misfortunes stem from the loss of the ring. Leon will stop at nothing to get the ring back to make his sister well--including propose to Kathryn.