涩风卷十里流火,拂过一池春水黄昏渐染,霞光万道之上,天人舞晕,瑞彩千条镜湖澄澈摘繁星,放入怀中,星河点点,寥廓寂远苍茫天地间,斗牛相遇,参商不见。红尘扬袂一晃,十年辗转里,烟火冷、人事分捻去眉间雪,试问珠帘亭楼,当年杏花微雨,琵琶弦上生风月,如今可还有数?兰舟催发,镜心点绛唇,却盼染秋霜流光韶年如梦去,未能与君把酒三千世,温柔醉写红颜老,青丝又与谁绾?信笺经年泛黄,字亦不辨,唯清风明月与这一纸情谊长存,故人已青山绿水长留记得那年杏花弦外微雨,白衣舞剑,星辰长伴,天地与其皆入梦自朝来,随暮去,山川万古作伴,少年杏花唱游,寻寻觅觅一佳人,从此与卿共尝晦朔春秋,共书锦绣山河——————————————————不要管上面的东西,这就是个江湖客和权臣的故事,以第一人称写,1v1,女主不脑残,故事尽量不狗血。相逢即是缘,来了就别走叭Mourning Glory
Grace Sorentino has never known the good life: from childhood hardships, to a marriage that began with lofty dreams and ended with all hopes shattered, Grace Sorentino has been dealt bad hand after bad hand.Grace and Jackie, her rebellious teenage daughter, are now stuck in Florida, on the verge of poverty. Grace works as an underpaid and underappreciated cosmetician at Saks Fifth Avenue, and Jackie—when she is not spending her time with questionable boys—balances school and two jobs. Just when Grace believes that things couldn't get any worse, she is fired after accidentally insulting a snobby customer.