暂传言盛家大小姐美貌与心灵成反比,长得有多好看,内心就有多恶毒。对此,盛家大小姐嗤之以鼻。有人说她是花瓶,她就随随便便参演一部电影,演技颜值秒杀女主光环,有人说她恶毒,她就“不负众望”打脸贱人,总之,盛家大小姐天不怕地不怕,一切只看姐乐意,却没有想到有一天会栽在男神手上。“和我在一起。”“你太帅追你的人太多,我没有安全感。”“貌似没有安全感的那个人是我吧?”“你太有钱。”“我的都是你的。”“....你是我男神,神是不能染指的。”“我允许你染指。”说完,男神温柔缱绻的吻落下。--情节虚构,请勿模仿王火文集·第七卷:心上的海潮 隐私权 众生百态
《王火文集·第七卷》为中短篇和小小说合集,共分为三个部分。第一部分为中篇小说集《心上的海潮》,由七篇小说组成。多为不同时代背景下婚姻与爱情主题的故事,讲述主人公或因价值观,或因误会,或因懦弱,或因金钱,或因性格等的悲剧。第二部分为中篇小说《隐私权》,探讨爱人之间隐私权的尺度。第三部分为短篇和小小说集《众生百态》,由四十余篇小说组成,作品涉及领域广泛。有人生哲理,有对世事的慨叹与礼赞,刻画了种种人物,构成了丰富多彩的社会画面。Mediums Rare
Prolific screenwriter and genre novelist Richard Matheson has long maintained an interest in all matters relating to parapsychology, telepathy, ESP and other paranormal activity. His brief and elegantly printed new volume amounts to a lightly fictionalized history as well as quick, evocative episodes of paranormal activity from Greek antiquity all the way through renowned American psychic Edgar Cayce.Most of the episodes in this book depict the famous seers, mediums and performers of the nineteenth-century, whose feats Matheson clearly admires. Margaret and Kate Fox, aged ten and seven, in 1848 convinced their parents and many other Americans that they were in touch with ghosts in a haunted house. (Matheson notes that the adult Margaret recanted, explaining how she herself produced the ghosts' mysterious rapping noises: he believes the recantation fake, arranged by the sisters' enemies.)我是证人(杨幂、鹿晗、朱亚文主演)