我是一个喜新厌旧的浪荡公子,有一个女朋友李露丝,但是因为李露丝的逼婚和一些虚情假意,我铁了心要离开李露丝。遇到丁童童之后,我被她的善良和纯真所打动,我疯狂地寻找她,并爱上了她,为了摆脱李露丝的纠缠,我剁下了自己的小拇指……不幸的是,丁童童得了血癌死去,李露丝因目睹我剁手,在极大的刺激下发疯住进精神病院……Mourning Glory
Grace Sorentino has never known the good life: from childhood hardships, to a marriage that began with lofty dreams and ended with all hopes shattered, Grace Sorentino has been dealt bad hand after bad hand.Grace and Jackie, her rebellious teenage daughter, are now stuck in Florida, on the verge of poverty. Grace works as an underpaid and underappreciated cosmetician at Saks Fifth Avenue, and Jackie—when she is not spending her time with questionable boys—balances school and two jobs. Just when Grace believes that things couldn't get any worse, she is fired after accidentally insulting a snobby customer.哲学宗师:笛卡尔(创造历史的风云人物)