This richly imagined alternate history will appeal to fans of Delirium, Wither, and The Forest of Hands and Teeth. Emmeline and Matisa have arrived at the land of Matisa's people, but the Dominion's troops are moving in. Matisa's people have prepared for battle, but the Dominion's weapons are brutal. To secure their survival, they will need something so important the Dominion will have to leave them in peace. Matisa and Em think they know what they need: the remedy to the Bleed, a deadly sickness. To find it, Em will have to go back to the stifling settlement she'd spent her whole life trying to escape. But she's no longer the Stained girl she once was —and she's not going down without a fight.史说新语:历史背后的经济学
杯酒释兵权是一个典型的帕累托改进;愚公移山是一种成本最高的选择;司马相如有钱就学坏;陶渊明不为五斗米折腰;秦始皇为什么焚书坑儒? 郑板桥为什么“难得糊涂”? 在这本书里,作者避开了人们习以为常的现实生活,走进波澜壮阔的历史画卷之中,用一种全新的视角,用轻松、幽默的笔触讲述了很多著名的、精彩的、有趣的历史故事,并将这些生动有趣的历史故事与枯燥乏味的经济学有机的结合起来,用历史故事诠释经济学,用经济学解析历史故事。那些枯燥的、呆板的经济学术语在这些美妙的、离奇的故事里摇身一变,立刻鲜活了起来,给人以耳目一新的感觉。经济学不仅不再枯燥呆板,而且变得像小说一样有趣、精彩、耐人寻味。