禅学大师吴言生的权威著作《经典禅诗》是对禅宗诗歌偈颂的体悟与阐释,探讨了历史上五家七宗的禅僧们所创作的修禅悟道诗偈,同时对禅宗形成之前的禅僧诗歌、禅诗美学境界、禅门七家之外的禅僧诗歌,也都设有专章加以阐释,将禅的精华要义原汁原味地和盘托出,使读者深入透彻、直观亲切地领悟禅的精髓要义。Hunger and Thirst
Hunger and Thirst is Richard Matheson's first and until now previously unpublished novel, written fifty-plus years ago when Matheson was only twenty-three-years old. Matheson's agent told him it was unpublishable due to its length and so to that end, Matheson put the manuscript in a drawer and left for California where his writing career changed dramatically. The action in Hunger and Thirst centers around Erick, who lies paralyzed on his bed after being shot during a botched bank robbery. As he lies there, Erick contemplates the mess that his life has become and holds out hope to be saved.玩转职场和人脉场的50条权利法则