木槿花,朝开暮落;姻缘乱,痴由心生。翠湖居里的缠绵,是痴情还是无情?爱与恨,恩与怨,终究是谁负了谁?“不去关睢宫!”这是容郁内心的挣扎与痛苦,坚定而脆弱。忻禹的誓言扰在。却令她更加不安。然而。忻禹却给了世人最完美的谢幕,留给了自己最深的伤痛。也许从一开始这就是万丈深渊,谁也无力逃脱。漩涡中。柳洛无力地寻求真相,殊不知真相只会让他更不知所措。唐门的仇恨最终就如同关睢宫中的哀号一样,带着一丝可笑,湮没了生命。时光轮回。是否有人后悔?是否有人哀叹?忻禹信守了诺言,只是这一次。不再能唤回一切。The Subterraneans
Written over the course of three days and three nights, The Subterraneans was generated out of the same kind of ecstatic flash of inspiration that produced another one of Kerouac's early classics, On The Road. Centering around the tempestuous breakup of Leo Percepied and Mardou Foxtwo denizens of the 1950s San Francisco undergroundThe Subterraneans is a tale of dark alleys and smoky rooms, of artists, visionaries, and adventurers existing outside mainstream America's field of vision.婚恋一百分:爱妻宠不停