关爱自然,热爱地球,爱她的青山绿水,爱她的碧草蓝天,爱她的鸟语花香……我们要真正学会保护地球,让我们手挽手,肩并肩,心连心,筑起一道绿色的环保大堤。捍卫资源,捍卫环境,捍卫地球,捍卫我们美好的家园吧!我们要更加自觉地珍爱自然,更加积极地保护生态,努力走向生态文明新时代,作为新时代青少年的我们,关注生态文明责无旁贷。Richard Sandoval's New Latin Flavors
In New Latin Flavors, award-winning chef Richard Sandoval offers more than 125 vibrantly seasoned Latin dishes, inspired by his popular restaurant fare but carefully streamlined for the home cook. Quesadillas, ceviches, arepas, and enchiladas are offered with Sandoval' s signature flair and bold flavors. The book also presents delectable cocktails featuring traditional Latin spirits that are beloved in the world of mixology —tequila, mescal, cachaca, rum, and pisco —and a variety of salsas, guacamoles, and other cocktail snacks. Whether the food is comfortingly familiar, like the Mahi-Mahi Tacos, or unex?pected, like the Beef Tiradito with Wasabi Dressing, these recipes offer an exciting new vision of contemporary Latin cooking.乡镇财政资金监管实务