不及格的政治家——王春榆点评李自成;他为中国古代隐逸史画了一个圆满的句号——何鸣看黄宗羲;投机分子:失之东隅,收之桑榆——柏杨眼中的吴三桂;伊非寻常女,境界堪绝伦——阎崇年眼中的孝庄;慎之又慎解难题——阎崇年解读康熙;疏于哨鹿,勤先天下——樊树志谈雍正;积极进取的儒士与惊世骇俗的狂怪——孟桢评郑板桥;他掌舵的朝代,盛世与危机并存——范文澜评乾隆……本书收录百篇名家眼中的100位中国历史名人的评论。Before he Kills (A Mackenzie White Mystery—Book 1)
From #1 bestselling author Blake Pierce comes a heart-pounding new mystery series.In the cornfields of Nebraska a woman is found murdered, strung up on a pole, the victim of a deranged killer. It doesn't take long for the police to realize a serial killer is on the loose—and that his spree has just begun.Detective Mackenzie White, young, tough, smarter than the aging, chauvinistic men on her local force, finds herself called in grudgingly to help solve it. As much as the other officers hate to admit it, they need her young, brilliant mind, which has already helped crack cold cases that had left them stumped. Yet even for Mackenzie this new case proves an impossible riddle, something the likes of which she—and the local force—have ever seen.