A New York Public Library 2017 Best Books for Teens selected title! It's the start of Jordan Sun's junior year at the Kensington-Blaine Boarding School for the Performing Arts. Unfortunately, she's an Alto 2, which—in the musical theatre world—is sort of like being a vulture in the wild: She has a spot in the ecosystem, but nobody's falling over themselves to express their appreciation. So it's no surprise when she gets shut out of the fall musical for the third year straight. But then the school gets a mass email: A spot has opened up in the Sharpshooters, Kensington's elite a cappella octet. Worshiped … revered … all male. Desperate to prove herself, Jordan auditions in her most convincing drag, and it turns out that Jordan Sun, Tenor 1, is exactly what the Sharps are looking for.美国女画师的清宫回忆
美国女画家凯瑟琳·卡尔在20世纪初曾创了两项世界性纪录:她是惟一在中国宫廷之内一连待了很长时间的外国人,又是惟一替尚健在的中国后妃画过肖像的人。她于1903年到达中国,花了九个月的时间为慈禧太后作画,并在圣路易斯博览会上展出。她返回美国后,把她的经历写成With the Empress Dowager出版,中文译为《慈禧写照记》。