本书是一部科学发展的全景史,是在英国BBC电视系列节目的基础上改编而成的。作者追溯了科学的发展,并将科学视为人不同于动物园的主要特征。书中历数不同时期人类的得大发明,从结绳记事儿到几何演算,从牛顿力学到狭义相对论。作者认为知识的进步均可视为人类试图理解自然,并控制自然的努力。作者对每一重大思想理论,均予以深刻的评价,并力图将自然背后的规律以常人可以理解的语言展现出来。本书不仅以一种全新的视角将读者带入一个科学世界,而且还将读者带入一个全新的文明世界。A Face Like Glass
In the underground city of Caverna, the world's most skilled craftsmen toil in the darkness to create delicacies beyond compare—wines that remove memories, cheeses that make you hallucinate, and perfumes that convince you to trust the wearer, even as they slit your throat. On the surface, the people of Caverna seem ordinary, except for one thing: their faces are as blank as untouched snow. Expressions must be learned, and only the famous Facesmiths can teach a person to express (or fake) joy, despair, or fear—at a steep price. Into this dark and distrustful world comes Neverfell, a girl with no memory of her past and a face so terrifying to those around her that she must wear a mask at all times. Neverfell's expressions are as varied and dynamic as those of the most skilled Facesmiths, except hers are entirely genuine. And that makes her very dangerous indeed…快乐星球之探索宇宙的奥秘