“囧”字的含义是什么?“囧”字本意是光明,它从字典里复活,被赋予的新意是:悲伤、无奈或者极为尴尬的心情。安理解这一点非常容易,如果把“囧”字看成是一张脸,那么“人”就是两道因悲伤和沮丧而下垂的美貌,“口”则是张口结舌的那个口。当一个人说“我恨囧”的时候,可以想象他的那副表情完全和“囧”一样。但就是这样一个字,现在被赋予更多的意义,并发展成为一种奇特的网络文化。而“囧”字的发音和“窘”完全一致,简直再完美不过了。《雕刻在囧囧背后的密码》以流畅的语言,详实而饱含哲理的事例,介绍了人生逆境的众多应变术,文字优美隽永,感人肺腑,发人深省,值得我们揣摩。An Ocean in Iowa
A funny, bittersweet exploration of how a child can change in one short year of love, loss, and growing up…Seven-year-old Scotty Ocean decides that seven is going to be "his year." But soon after his birthday, his artist-turned-alcoholic mother abandons the family—leaving Scotty and his two older sisters alone with their father. As his perfect year is torn apart (falls apart?), Scotty begins to act out during school and takes a series of increasingly wild actions to try to win his mother back—and, when that doesn't work, to replace her.