《明史演义》是“中国历代通俗演义”中的一本,讲述明代的历史事件与纷纭人物,故事跌宕起伏、精彩纷呈,是史学爱好者、文学爱好者的经典书目。本书讲述从“第五十一回 豢群盗宁藩谋叛 谢盛宴抚使被戕”到“第一百回 乞外援清军定乱 覆半壁明史收场”的历史。作者以丰富翔实的史料、生动形象的文笔,为我们讲述了明朝中后期一百五十多年历史,北虏南倭、东林党争、建州女真的崛起、郑和下西洋、资本主义萌芽……Black Book
"The Black Book"is Orhan Pamuk's tour de force, a stunning tapestry of Middle Eastern and Islamic culture which confirmed his reputation as a writer of international stature. Richly atmospheric and Rabelaisian in scope, it is a labyrinthine novel suffused with the sights, sounds and scents of Istanbul, an unforgettable evocation of the city where East meets West, and a boldly unconventional mystery that plumbs the elusive nature of identity, fiction, interpretation and reality.BH穿越:七皇子,你死定了!