《心理学课堂》套书共5册,包括《消费心理学》、《博弈心理学》、《乌合之众——大众心理研究》、《价格心理学》、《销售心理学》,《心理学课堂》从多方面总结和归纳了与人们生活息息相关的社会活动中的心理学,并配以生动的案例,增加了阅读趣味。阅读《心理学课堂》,可以使人们清醒的认识生活中所遇到的种种不合理现象并加以规避,从中得到人生智慧,使生活更加积极主动。After Midnight in the Garden of Good and Evil
Jim Williams had it all: style, culture, charisma, and sophistication. As a premier antiques dealer in Savannah, he mingled with celebrities, including Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis and the Rockefellers, who came to admire his extraordinary treasures. His legacy thrust Savannah into the national spotlight and transformed the genteel city into a tourist mecca.But three decades of hard work came crashing down the night he shot Danny Hansford, his wild young lover. Jim Williams stood trial four times over the next decade for premeditated murder.思想中国·全球化生存:世界顶尖学者中国演讲录