新文已发布,隔壁《嫁给豪门反派大佬》 一次意外,姜绾重生,竟然和上辈子坏事做尽,不得善终的反派大佬结了婚。姜绾怎么都没想到,那个在她婚礼当日算计她未婚夫,让海城首富一夜破产,又把她抢回去的冷血新贵,还是个十足的老婆奴。 重生前,人人都疯传姜绾是顾聿深的白月光,可她却成了别人的未婚妻。重生后,姜绾回到了顾聿深风华正茂的年纪,看着反派大佬那张颜值爆表的脸,果断上了这趟贼船。 她,未来时空的女帝。一朝重生回前世,从此野鸡涅槃变回凤凰,一朝刀在手,屠遍绿茶白莲渣。他尊贵不凡,表面清风霁月的贵公子。偏执到只迷恋她一个人,无论生死。“管家,我老婆又跑了!”某男一脸失意,黑化指数疑似上升。管家额头滑下三根黑线,女神大人不过是去跑个步,大少你说得这么刺激干什么?(男强女强,疼宠无限,绝对爽文)Burial at Thebes
Commissioned to mark the centenary of the Abbey Theatre in Dublin in 2004, The Burial at Thebes is Seamus Heaney's new verse translation of Sophocles' great tragedy, Antigone - whose eponymous heroine is one of the most sharply individualized and compelling figures in Western drama. Faithful to the 'local row' and to the fierce specificity of the play's time and place, The Burial at Thebes honours the separate and irreconcilable claims of its opposed voices, as they enact the ancient but perennial conflict between family and state in a time of crisis, pitching the morality of private allegiance against that of public service. Above all, The Burial at Thebes honours the sovereign urgency and grandeur of the Antigone, in which language speaks truth to power, then and now.