被母亲无情的‘卖’给谢家,婆婆的折磨,丈夫的讨厌,公公的宠爱却是另一种痛苦的根源。。。想要用自己的身体还清那高额的‘聘金’,却不小心身心都留给了那个丈夫。。。只是令她意外的是嫁给他是一场阴谋,连爱上他都是早就设计好的,为的就是。。。在爱与恨之间她应该怎样抉择?爱情沦陷的时刻是不是也意味着毁灭?飘飘的其他文章(觉得值得一看的):《火暴总裁娇柔妻【大结局】》http://m.wkkk.net/a/58912/《首席新娘调包了【连载】》http://m.wkkk.net/a/113621/《偷孕:改造玻璃CEO【大结局】》http://m.wkkk.net/a/57972/《首领的签约情人【大结局】》http://m.wkkk.net/a/8710/《超邪魅总裁老公【大结局】》http://m.wkkk.net/a/74090/《爱在大清后宫Ⅰ.苏墨儿传奇【大结局】》http://m.wkkk.net/a/61183/《爱在大清后宫Ⅱ.玉如言小传【大结局】》http://m.wkkk.net/a/65096/The Secret of Rover
The Secret of Rover follows the clever and resourceful twins Katie and David as they race across the country in their attempt to outwit an international team of insurgents who hold their parents and baby sister captive in a foreign land. Held hostage because they invented a spy technology called Rover that can locate anyone in the world, Katie and David's parents are in grave danger. Now, it's up to Katie and David to rescue them. But first they must find their reclusive uncle, whom they have never met—the only person they know who can help them. This page-turning story from a debut author with insider knowledge of Washington is fun, suspenseful, and convincingly real.