穿越千年,嫁给偶像,是种什么体验?梦回长安初建之时,看我祖师爷如何打造这盛世繁华,万古流芳。她,本是现代天赋异禀行业新星小才女,却嫁入公侯豪门,管理内宅,相夫教子,斗斗姬妾,唠唠家常。他,本是勋贵之后,弓马显名,却不爱武功爱木工,历尽荣辱兴衰,只为心中理想。朝闻鸟语,暮见花开。“我将在茫茫人海寻访我唯一之灵魂伴侣。得之我幸。”House Divided (A Luke Stone Thriller—Book 7)
“One of the best thrillers I have read this year. The plot is intelligent and will keep you hooked from the beginning. The author did a superb job creating a set of characters who are fully developed and very much enjoyable. I can hardly wait for the sequel.”--Books and Movie Reviews (re Any Means Necessary)HOUSE DIVIDED is book #7 in the USA Today bestselling Luke Stone thriller series, which begins with ANY MEANS NECESSARY (Book #1), a free download with over 500 five star reviews!A passenger jet is attacked in northern Africa by terrorists wielding RPGs, resulting in an enormous loss of life. Yet U.S. intelligence reports this is merely a distraction, a prelude to a worse terror incident.